Discrimination - Frequently Asked Questions...

Which businesses are covered?

  • Places of public accommodation, facilities, services, commodities or use offered to or enjoyed by the general public, operated within the city limits of Tucson.
  • Housing providers operating within the Tucson city limits in the sale or rental of housing, including but not limited to individual lessees, real estate agents/brokers, and lending institutions.
  • Employers having 1-100 employees. This does not apply to protected classes that do not have remedies available under Federal law or Arizona law. In other words, individuals who have complaints based on gender identity, sexual orientation, ancestry, familial status (employment) or marital status may file a complaint with the OEOP from any size business within the Tucson city limits.

Who may file a complaint?

  • Any individual claiming to have been discriminated against in employment, housing or public accommodation in the city limits may file a complaint with the OEOP within 90 working days from the time of the alleged violation (180 calendar days for housing or disability/accessibility complaints).
  • Tucson citizens may file complaints with EEOC, Arizona Civil Rights Division or the Southwest Fair Housing Council in conjunction with the City’s jurisdiction or non-jurisdictional matters. OEOP will make appropriate referrals.

Where can I get a complaint form?

  • This website offers on-line and downloadable forms. Click here for forms page. You can also contact OEOP if you have difficulty accessing forms.

Can I e-mail the OEOP my complaint?

  • Yes, OEOP will accept documents via email but official forms with signatures should be mailed. A complaint form may also be submitted in person. The department email address is, oeop@tucsonaz.gov

What happens after I file my complaint?

  • OEOP reviews complaint to determine if it meets legal requirements and immediately contacts complainant to discuss the complaint. Wrongful Conduct complaints are forwarded to the City Manager's Office for determination. After review and determination OEOP may investigate and render written findings as to whether there is or is not reasonable cause to substantiate the charge. Enforcement power is limited so Tucson citizens may wish to file their complaints with external resources.

What about conciliation?

  • OEOP will make every effort to conciliate complaints between complainants and respondents.