Office of Professional Standards

The Office of Professional Standards (formerly Internal Affairs) is responsible for the receipt and oversight of complaints against Tucson Police Department members. Along with the chain of command, OPS investigates complaints and makes findings as to whether members violated department or City policies or procedures. Determination of discipline is left to the chain of command.

Our Policy

Anyone who files a complaint against a member of the Tucson Police Department shall be treated with courtesy and respect.

Your Complaint Is Important

As an organization, we try very hard to provide quality customer service to everyone. Policing is a difficult and complex job. We recognize mistakes can be made and that our members' actions may fall short of your expectations.

TPD members are aware of the important responsibilities and duties they have as public servants. They must maintain their own integrity and earn the trust of the community. The Tucson Police Department operates under laws that govern us and constitutional guarantees afforded to everyone. The thorough and impartial investigation – and just disposition – of complaints is important to maintaining the public's confidence in us.

How to File

A complaint may be filed with the department in several ways:

  • Use the Complaint form.
  • Contact the Independent Police Auditor.
  • Call (520) 791-4426.
  • Send a letter to: Office of Professional Standards, Tucson Police Department, 270 S. Stone Ave., Tucson, AZ 85701.

Filing a complaint with OPS does not prevent you from filing a claim against the City or a complaint with other governmental entities.

Please provide as much of the following information in your complaint as you can.

Step 1.When and where the incident occurred

Date, time, and location of the incident

Step 2.Identifying information of TPD personnel

Names, badge numbers, and car numbers of the TPD members involved

Step 3.Identifying information of witnesses

Names, phone numbers, and addresses of any witnesses

The Investigative Process

Many complaints are investigated by the member's chain of command. More complex complaints, or complaints that may result in major discipline, are investigated by OPS.

Step 1.If investigated by the chain of command

If the complaint is investigated by the member's chain of command, you may be contacted by a supervisor from their division. They may interview you by phone or, in some cases, in person.

Step 2.If investigated by OPS

If the complaint is investigated by the Office of Professional Standards, a detective from the investigative unit will contact you and schedule an interview. It may be possible to conduct the interview by phone; however, most of the time interviews are conducted in person.

Step 3.Special requirements

Depending on the nature of the complaint, the interview may be taped, and you may be required to return to the scene of the incident to help investigators determine what happened.

Step 4.Complaint Mediation Program

In certain cases, if both parties are willing, you may be referred to the Complaint Mediation Program to go over the incident with the assistance of a trained City mediator.

Step 5.How long will the investigation take?

The department requires that all attempts be made to complete investigations of complaints within 60 days from the date they are received. The Chief of Police may extend that time due to circumstances that prevent completion of the investigation, e.g., locating witnesses, evidence, etc. You will be notified about the progress and disposition of your complaint.

What Happens After the Investigation?

Once the investigation is complete, the investigating entity (the chain of command or OPS) makes a finding as to whether the member violated department or City policy or procedures. If investigated by OPS, a copy of their finding is sent to the member's chain of command.

Step 1.If no violation is found

The complaint will be closed with no further action needed.

Step 2.If one or more violations are found

Specific violations will be enumerated in a report and the member's chain of command will make a recommendation for discipline or corrective action.

In severe cases, discipline may result in termination of employment, reduction in rank, or suspension without pay. Less severe sanctions include training and counseling by supervisory or command staff. The Chief of Police is the final department authority for discipline.

Step 3.Your rights after the investigation

You will be notified of the finding or disposition of your complaint. Please be sure to keep the Office of Professional Standards updated with any address change.