The Tucson Police Department was selected by the U.S. Department of Justice as a partner agency in the National Public Safety Partnership, a program to combat violent crime, especially drug, gang, and gun violence. Our participation is already paying dividends, with a threefold increase in our clearance (solve) rate of non-fatal shootings. Our clearance rate for homicide cases is already among the highest of any major city in the U.S. – over 90% in 2023.
Our thinking as an agency is informed by the diversity of our membership and our community. Our officers' use of force is governed by policy, training, supervision, community oversight, accountability, and transparency.
Emergency: 911
Non-emergency: 520-791-4444
88-CRIME (website)
88-CRIME (520-882-7463) 520-882-7463
Human Resources/Recruiting
520-791-COPS (2677) (2677)