TPD is a Progressive Police Department

The Tucson Police Department was selected by the U.S. Department of Justice as a partner agency in the National Public Safety Partnership, a program to combat violent crime, especially drug, gang, and gun violence. Our participation is already paying dividends, with a threefold increase in our clearance (solve) rate of non-fatal shootings. Our clearance rate for homicide cases is already among the highest of any major city in the U.S. – over 90% in 2023.

Our thinking as an agency is informed by the diversity of our membership and our community. Our officers' use of force is governed by policy, training, supervision, community oversight, accountability, and transparency.


  • TPD works hard to recruit police officers from backgrounds as diverse as the city we serve, including race, ethnicity, gender identity, and sexual orientation.
  • A police department that embodies diverse viewpoints is better able to understand community issues and solve community problems.


  • The Tucson Police Department was one of the first two police departments in the largest 100 cities in the United States to have put in place all of the "8 Can't Wait" policies promoted by Campaign Zero'sUse of Force Project.
  • Patrol officers are issued body-worn cameras and must use them whenever an arrest is contemplated.
  • Any use of force must be lawful, reasonable, proportionate, and not the result of provocation.
  • Officers have a duty to intervene to stop excessive force by another officer.
  • Chokeholds and vascular neck restraints are prohibited.


  • Officers are trained in de-escalation tactics: lowering the temperature of an interaction to reduce the need for physical confrontation.
  • Officers are trained in cultural awareness, implicit bias, constitutional law, and civil rights, as well as managing stressful situations.
  • Officers train throughout their careers to improve their communication and management skills, including in realistic scenarios with volunteer members of the Tucson community.
  • Officers are sworn to protect life, are trained in first aid, and carry NARCAN®, Individual First Aid Kits, and Automated External Defibrillators.


  • All department members are held accountable through their chain of command.
  • Sergeants and lieutenants play a critical role in making sure officers understand and follow department policies.

Community Oversight

  • TPD invites participation from diverse members of the community—as community partners, on its boards, and as interns and volunteers.
  • Community members serve on TPD's Community Advisory Council, Sentinel Event Review Board (SERB), Force Review Board (FRB), and the City's Community Police Advisory Review Board.


  • TPD's SERB and FRB review use-of-force incidents and their findings and recommendations are public record.
  • TPD's Office of Professional Standards investigates complaints and the chain of command imposes discipline up to and including termination. If a criminal act is alleged, a criminal investigation is conducted, and the matter is referred to the Pima County Attorney's Office.
  • The Independent Police Auditor is another way community members can pursue a complaint against a TPD member.


  • Office of Professional Standards investigations are public record, and any discipline imposed on a TPD member is public record.
  • TPD policy, in the form of General Orders, is available on our website.
  • TPD uses software to monitor officer performance and is a participating agency with the Center for Policing Equity.

Contact Us

Emergency: 911

Non-emergency: 520-791-4444

88-CRIME (website)

88-CRIME (520-882-7463)

Human Resources/Recruiting

520-791-COPS (2677) (2677)