Victim Rights Information

Typically, the Victim Notification Pamphlet is given to victims of certain crimes by TPD officers. It is for information only and applies to incidents that occur in the jurisdiction of the City of Tucson, Arizona.

Victim Notification Pamphlet(PDF, 4MB) (Folleto de Notificación a las Víctimas(PDF, 4MB)) 

For more information on victim rights in Arizona, visit the Arizona Attorney General's website.

Keep in touch with developments in your case: Register as a victim of crime.

Register as a Victim of Crime

Please register here:, filling out the form completely. You will need your case number and the victim's date of birth.

  1. Current Cases Victims can use the above link to register in accordance with Arizona law. Have your case information available and fill out the required fields. Do not click the cold case box unless your case meets the cold case definition below.
  2. Cold Cases Victims and/or a designated family member can use the above link to register in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes §13-4271. In addition to case information, applicants will be asked to provide contact information and their relationship to the victim. Click the "cold case" box if your case meets the cold case definition below.

Cold Case Definition

Pursuant to A.R.S. §13-4271, cold case means a homicide or felony sexual offense that remains unsolved for one year or more after being reported to a law enforcement agency and that has no viable and unexplored investigative leads.

  • The Cold Case Registry is for victims or, in the case of homicide victims, the victim's family or other lawful representative. For families of homicide victims, the registry provides a way to designate a primary family contact person. Using current contact information, the family representative will be notified if something new happens with the case.
  • It is helpful to have one primary family contact person who relays information to the rest of the family. Please discuss with your family members and make a group decision as to who the primary contact person will be.
  • Submissions will be reviewed to ensure that the applicant is the victim or a family member or lawful representative. Then they will be notified of their inclusion in the registry.

Immigration Issues

Certain crime victims may be able to get a temporary visa, referred to as a U-Visa, that grants legal status to victims willing to help police and prosecutors investigate and prosecute a qualifying crime. To learn more, please leave a message for the TPD Special Victims Section Lieutenant at (520) 791-4444, email, or contact the City Prosecutor's Office, the Pima County Attorney's Office, Southern Arizona Legal Aid, or an attorney experienced in immigration law.

Victim Resources

Domestic Violence Victim Services

The Tucson City Prosecutor's Office also provides Victim Notification Services, as well as information for Victims of Domestic Violence, including How to File an Order of Protection Against Domestic Violence.

Other resources are available, including:

Sexual Assault Victim Services

For more information, see the pages for the Adult Sexual Assault Unit and the Child Physical Abuse and Child Sexual Assault Units.

Contact Us

Emergency: 911

Non-emergency: 520-791-4444

88-CRIME (website)

88-CRIME (520-882-7463)

Human Resources/Recruiting

520-791-COPS (2677) (2677)