Maps and Records

Miscellanous Surveys

Z # Description Township Range Section
Z-2016-003 Army Corp of Engineers, Point and Elevation data, Rillito Creek, Pantano Wash, Tanque Verde Creek, apparent pages missing, no date
Z-2019-167 Z-2019-167 Robert F. Mellen, Job #86-52 ( STILL NEEDS TO BE IDENTIFIED )
Z-2020-1072 Z-2020-1072
Z-2018-002 Robert F Mellen, Lot 11, Tangerine Meadows, Bk.26 of Maps and Plats at Pg.21, Sec.1,T.12S.,R.13E., Kara Pl. T12S R13E 01
Z-2020-745 Z-2020-745, 4902 S. 6TH AVE. / IRVINGTON T15S R13E 01
Z-2021-0177 Z-2021-0177, 516 E. ELM ST., 3RD AV / LEE ST., bk. 02 of maps and plats pg. 18 T14S R13E 01
Z-2020-750 Z-2020-750, 6810 N NANINI DR., bk. 10 of maps and plats pg. 54 T13S R13E 01
Z-2019-156 Robert F. Mellen, Job #79-157, 1800-1820 N 5TH AV and 303-305 E LESTER ST(Bryan), Parcel A,B,and C, Lots 8 and 9,Tucsons Heights, Bk 2 of maps and plats, pg.18, T14S, R13E, S01 NE1/4, E Lester St, N 5TH AV T14S R13E 01
Z-2017-012 Robert F Mellen,Survey, Sec.1,T.13S.,R.11E. Desert View Dr. T13S R11E 01
Z-2019-159 Robert F. Mellen, Job #79-160, 5711 E LINDEN ST and 1902, 1910,1916 N VAN BUREN AVE, Parcel A, B, C, and D, T14S, R14E, S01 NW1/4, N VAN BUREN AVE, E LINDEN ST T14S R14E 01
Z-2017-013 Everett M Trueblood, Survey, Sec.1,T.15S.,R.13E., Drexel Rd. T15S R13E 01
Z-2018-537 Robert F Mellen, Survey, Sec.1, T.15S., R.15E. T15S R15E 01
Z-2019-169 Z-2019-169 Robert F. Mellen, 5254 W. Camino Del Desierto, Lot 71, Casas Colina Cabo #2, Bk 28 of Maps and Plats, Pg. 3, T14, R12E, S01 NW1/4, Camino Del Dieserto, Camino Allenda T4S R12E 01
Z-2019-171 Z-2019-171 Robert F. Mellen, 6167 E. Speedway, Lot 1 and 2, Blk 2, Catalina Heights Annex, Bk 4 of Maps and Plats, Pg 49, T14S, R14E. S01 SE ¼, E Speedway Blvd., N. Rook Avenue T14S R14E 01
Z-2018-547 Robert F Mellen, Alley Paving Plan, Blk.34, Bronx Park Addition, Bk.3 of Maps and Plats at Pg.117, Sec.1, T.14S., R.13E., Plata St., Stone Ave., Lester St., 9th Ave. Note: See also I-80-017. T14S R13E 01
Z-2017-292 Robert F Mellen,Survey,Sec.1,T.14S.,R.12E.,Trails End Rd.,Camino De Oesta T14S R12E 01
Z-2020-013 Z-2020-013----SIERRA VISTA------ T1S R1E 01
Z-2020-782 Z-2020-782, bk. 33of maps and plats pg. 69 T13S R14E 01
Z-2020-527 Z-2020-527, NO LOCATION AVAILABLE. T1S R1E 01
Z-2020-278 Z-2020-278- NO INFORMATION GIVEN T1S R1E 01
Z-2020-1044 Z-2020-1044, NW 1/4, 6848 N. CASAS ADOBES DR. T13S R13E 01
Z-2021-0233 Z-2021-0233, NE 1/4, 1850 N 6TH AV. ,/ 202 E. LINDEN, bk. 07 of maps and plats pg. 90 T14S R13E 01
Z-2018-578 Robert F Mellen, Lot 5, Blk.6, Catalina Heights, Bk.4 of Maps and Plats at Pg.49, Sec.1, T.14S., R.14E., Alamo Ave., Fairmount Ave., Rook Ave., Alamo Pl. T14S R14E 01
Z-2018-580 Robert F Mellen, Survey, Sec.1, T.12S., R.12E., Camino de Mañana T12S R12E 01
Z-2020-552 Z-2020-552, SW1/4, NE1/4 T13S R11E 01
Z-2020-043 Z-2020-043, 237 W. VENTURA ST. T14S R13E 01
Z-2021-0242 Z-2021-0242, SE 1/4, 1316 N. 6TH AV / MABEL ST., bk. 02 of maps and plats pg. 35 T14S R13E 01
Z-2020-047 Z-2020-047, 5982 E EDISON PL T14S R14E 01
Z-2020-559 Z-2020-559, 215 W. GIACONDA WY, bk 10 maps and plats, pg. 54 T13S R13E 01
Z-2021-0246 Z-2021-0246, ---PINAL COUNTY REF.----GPS LOC.100368.4481 / 94213.4487 T1S R1E 01
Z-2018-336 Robert F Mellen, Lots 9 and 10, Blk.4, Mountain View Acre Farms, Bk.4 of Maps and Plats at Pg.22, Sec.1, T.14S., R.14E., Jefferson St., Bellevue Ave. Refer to Z-2018-476 T14S R14E 01
Z-2018-596 Robert F Mellen, Lot 12, Blk.24, Tucson Heights, Bk.2 of Maps and Plats at Pg.18, Sec.1, T.14S., R.13E., Elm St., 2nd Ave. T14S R13E 01
Z-2020-823 Z-2020-823, LINDEN ST / KING ST., S 1/2, NE 1/4,, bk. 09 of maps and plats pg. 24 T14S R15E 01
Z-2017-339 Robert F Mellen,Lot 16,17,Blk.4, Resub. Rodeo Addn.,Bk.9 of Maps and Plats at Pg.42,Sec.1,T.15S.,R.13E.,Tucson-Nogales Hwy T15S R13E 01
Z-2020-063 Z-2020-063, 6800 N DEONE LN / E. FLORENCE ROAD, T13S R13E 01
Z-2020-831 Z-2020-831, NARANJA DR., bk. 26 of maps and plats pg. 59 T12S R13E 01
Z-2021-0263 Z-2021-0263, NO LOCATION INFORMATION GIVEN: 3.40 ACRES T1S R1E 01
Z-2017-099 Robert F Mellen, 7020 N. Antonietta Way, Lot 353,Casas Adobes Est.3A,Bk.10 of Maps and Plats at Pg.54,Sec.01NW,T.13S.,R.13E.,Antonietta way T13S R13E 01
Z-2018-364 Robert F Mellen, Lot 4, Mountain View Acre Farms, Bk.4 of Maps and Plats at Pg.22, Sec.1, T.14S., R.14E., Speedway Blvd., Jefferson Ave., Bellevue St., Craycroft Rd. T14S R14E 01
Z-2017-361 Z-2017-361 Robert F Mellen, Lot 41, Tangerine Hills, Bk.31 of Maps and Plats at Pg.51,Sec.1,T.12S.,R.13E., Mandarin Lane T12S R13E 01
Z-2018-115 Robert F Mellen, 6201 E. Vista del Canon, Lot 162, Finisterra, Bk.33 of Maps and Plats at Pg.69, Sec.1,T.13S.,R.14E., Finisterra Dr. T13S R14E 01
Z-2018-371 Robert F Mellen, Lots 1-17, 21, 24, 25, La Serena Townhouses No.2, Bk.34 of Maps and Plats at Pg.52, Lots 7-10, La Serena Townhouses, Bk.30 of Maps and Plats at Pg.84, Sec.1, T.13S., R.13E., Oracle Rd., S.R. 77, Greer Ln., Rose Ln., Lillian Ln., Maria Ln., Vista Grande Dr. T13S R13E 01
Z-2020-855 Z-2020-855, NE 1/4, SW 1/4, 5700 E. PIMA AV. / VAN BUREN ST. T14S R14E 01
Z-2018-121 Robert F Mellen, Lot 10, Mountain View Acre Farms, Bk.4 of Maps and Plats at Pg.22, Sec.1,T.14S.,R.14E., Pima St., Van Buren Ave. T14S R14E 01
Z-2020-861 Z-2020-861, 1400 N. STONE AV. / DRACHMAN ST., , bk. 03 of maps and plats pg. 117 T14S R13E 01
Z-2021-0035 Z-2021-0035, 6886 N CASAS ADOBES DR / NANINI DR., bk. 10 of maps and plats pg. 54 T13S R13E 01
Z-2020-862 Z-2020-862, 12161 E PONCE DE LEON, PONCE DE LEON RD. / CORONADO RD , bk. 16 of maps and plats pg. 59 T13S R16E 01
Z-2021-0036 Z-2021-0036, bk. 41 of maps and plats pg. 30 T13S R14E 01
Z-2020-352 Z-2020-352,-- SIERRA VIESTA ARIZONA,-- T1S R1E 01
Z-2020-355 Z-2020-355, ---PUEBLO SPRINGS MOBILE HOME PARK---(no further information) T1S R1E 01

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