City of Tucson Opens Pre-application Period for Housing Waitlist

Published on January 03, 2023


To apply online, visit
Starting at 9 a.m., Tuesday, Jan. 3, the City of Tucson is opening the pre-application period for families and individuals seeking to be placed on a waitlist for public housing, and City of Tucson and Pima County Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8). The first pre-application period will continue through Tuesday, Jan. 24. All applications received in this three-week window will be placed in a lottery. A lottery will be done every month thereafter for placement on the waitlist.

To pre-apply, applicants will not be required to provide social security numbers or any form of payment. You will need to provide your name, address, date of birth, preferred way to be contacted (phone or email), information on family members, and household income. We will also ask if you are disabled or a veteran. Pre-application should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. All completed pre-applications will receive a confirmation number, which the applicant should save. One application may be submitted per household. Duplicate applications will be removed.

Applications will be available in English, Arabic, Cantonese, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, Swahili, and Vietnamese. In addition, assistance will be provided in alternative formats, such as paper applications, large print, braille, or translation/interpreting services. For individuals and families who do not have access to a computer or smartphone, computers will be available during the three weeks throughout the City and in various sites in the County.

For questions, email or leave a message at 520-791-5840. All calls will be returned within 24 hours of message received. If deaf or hard of hearing, contact AzRelay 7-1-1.

Read the News Release

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