Public Utility Administrative Manual(PDF, 6MB)
Utility Manual Notice of Release(PDF, 239KB)(PDF, 239KB)
The DTM Engineering Division provides the professional engineering and administrative services necessary for the programming, design, and construction of the City of Tucson's Improvement Districts and Transportation capital improvement projects by:
- Performing professional engineering design and survey services for engineering projects.
- Preparing maps and legal descriptions for Tucson's annexation program, for City property acquisitions and dispositions, and for right-of way acquisition in support of roadway projects.
- Administering the- Floodplain Ordinance and required interim regulations necessary for City residents' eligibility for subsidized flood insurance, emergency relief programs, and other Federal financial assistance.
- Performing services for the implementation and administration of City Improvement Districts for major arterials, neighborhood streets, sidewalks, sewers, drainage, and lighting.
Materials Lab
Pima County Standard Specifications and Standard Details
LED Lighting Project
The LED Project commissioned an Investment Grade Audit to determine all of the City lighting under TDOT (street & garage) and this audit identified each, documented what was existing, how much energy each used and photometetrically modeled the lighting for LED replacement.
Final IGA Report(PDF, 5MB)
IGA Appendix(PDF, 38MB)
Engineering Plan Templates and Details
- ADA Ramp Details(PDF, 905KB) (2007)
- Curb Slice Water Harvesting Detail(PDF, 266KB) (2023)
- Traffic Circle Detail(PDF, 2MB) (Revised - November 2024)
- Engineering Plan Templates(PDF, 167KB) (2019)
- Engineering Plan Templates in DWG Format(ZIP, 828KB) (2019)
- Longitudinal Joint Detail(PDF, 73KB) (2024)
- Record of Survey Plan Template(PDF, 91KB) (2021)
- Record of Survey Plan Template in DWG Format(ZIP, 353KB) (2021)
- Record Document Block Detail(PDF, 97KB) (2019)
- Speed Hump and Table Detail (PDF, 273KB)(Oct 2024)
- Survey Monument Detail (PDF, 408KB)(2024)
- Spread Foundation Detail(PDF, 30MB) (2023)
- Thickened Asphalt Pavement Edge Detail(PDF, 79KB) (2024)
- Moratorium Patch Detail(PDF, 147KB) (2021)
- Utility Pothole Repair(PDF, 167KB) (2021)
- Utility Trench Patch Detail(PDF, 406KB) (2021)
Active Practice Guidelines
- APG 01: Alteration of Sealed Consultant Plans(PDF, 249KB)
- APG 02: Change Order and Forced Account Procedures(PDF, 1MB)
- APG 02: Change Order and Forced Account Procedures Minor Alts(PDF, 257KB)
- APG 03: Design Project Checklist (Aug 2024)(PDF, 5MB)
- APG 04: Design of Flexible Pavements(PDF, 1MB)
- APG 05: Policy For Median Openings(PDF, 1MB)
- APG 06: Preliminary Engineering Surveys Requirements(PDF, 1MB)
- APG 07: Right of Way Acquisition Procedures(PDF, 264KB)
- APG 08: Right of Way & Survey Plan Requirements(PDF, 1MB)
- APG 09: Street Lighting Poles Design Criteria(PDF, 372KB)
- APG 10: Utility Coordination Revised 07 Draft(PDF, 2MB)
- APG 10: Utility Coordination Revised 07 Draft Attach 1(PDF, 183KB)
- APG 10: Utility Coordination Revised 07 Draft Attach 2(PDF, 37KB)
- APG 11: Owner Notification Procedure Water Sewer Services Curb Cuts(PDF, 478KB)
- APG 12: Seal Coating Privately Developed Streets(PDF, 68KB)
- APG 13: Use of Cast In Place Pipe(PDF, 285KB)
- APG 14: Independent Construction Inspection Progress(PDF, 322KB)
- APG 15: Calculation of Contract Time(PDF, 2MB)
- APG 16: Corrugated HDPE Pipe Guide(PDF, 137KB)
- APG 17: Public Involvement Guidelines(PDF, 3MB)
- APG 18: Construction Coordination (CIP)(PDF, 1MB)
- APG 19: Response Claims Damaged Utility In Right of Way(PDF, 340KB)
- APG 20: CIP Plan In-House Review(PDF, 241KB)
- APG 21: Drafting Standards for Prep of Project Plans(PDF, 557KB)
- APG 22: Reproduction Services(PDF, 191KB)
- APG 23: Private Improvement Agreements(PDF, 370KB)
- APG 24: Sidewalk Widths(PDF, 421KB)
- APG 25: Landscape Design Guidelines(PDF, 584KB)
- APG 26: Traffic Noise Abatement(PDF, 395KB)
- APG 27: Steel Plating Open Trenches(PDF, 377KB)
- APG 28: Buried Concrete Arch Culverts(PDF, 593KB)
- APG 29: Construction Inspection Reports(PDF, 144KB)
- APG 30: Construction Contract Management Guidelines(PDF, 161KB)