Home Detention Program

The following types of cases are eligible for the Home Detention Program:

  • DUI
  • Prostitution
  • Some Driving on Suspended License (10 or more days)

Home Detention is governed by Statute 9-499.07

"A city or town may establish a home detention program for eligible sentenced defendants which shall be treated the same as confinement in jail."

A defendant is not eligible for the home detention program if any of the following applies:

  • If the offender is found by the City to constitute a risk either to himself or other members of the community.
  • If the offender has a past history of violent behavior or has been convicted of any charge that includes domestic violence or assault.
  • If the sentencing judge states at the time of the sentence, that the defendant may not be eligible for the home detention program.
  • If the offender has ever been convicted of a felony.
  • If the offender has ever been convicted of any sex offense or child abuse.
  • If the offender is residing in the United States without proper documentation.


  • Undergo Home Detention Screening at Tucson City Court, 4th floor, room 401
  • Provide all required documentation and attend all scheduled appointments
  • Offenders who are selected for the Home Detention Program will be monitored using electronic monitoring
  • Selected offenders will not drink alcoholic beverages or use drugs
  • Selected offenders will be tested for alcohol and drugs while on the program. This testing is done on Mondays and Thursdays at the Treatment Assessment Screening Center, at a cost of $5.00 per alcohol test and $5.00 per test for drugs.
  • Selected offenders are prohibited from associating with individuals who are determined to be detrimental to their successful completion of the program
  • Selected offenders may not terminate employment or seek employment while on the program

Mandatory Sentencing

If the defendant is sentenced under 28-1381 sub section B, the defendant must serve a minimum of 24 consecutive hours in jail before being eligible for home detention.

If sentenced under 28-1381 sub section E, the defendant must serve a minimum of 15 consecutive days in jail before being placed on home detention.

A defendant sentenced pursuant to shall not be placed under home detention except as follows (DUI):

  • Defendant shall pay all cost for all alcohol or substance abuse programs
  • Participation in such programs is mandatory
  • Defendant is to report daily for required alcohol/drug testing