311 Service Request Portal

311 logo with cityscape image of downtown at sunset
Report non-emergency problems in your neighborhood

1. Download Tucson311 app

Report non-emergency problems in your neighborhood through the app

  Apple app store download button for See Click Fix   Google store icon to download See Click Fix service request app

2. Report non-emergency problems through Tucson311 ticketing system online

3. Call 311 by phone 

Report non-emergency problems by calling 3-1-1 

4. Get info and request service through our service-based website

City of Tucson Services

When should you call 911?

See Public Safety Communications' recommendations of when to call 911 

About Us


Opportunities, Expansion, Strategy

The emergence of new programs, initiatives, and changes in policing tactics offer a unique opportunity for an efficient and consistent call intake point for City services, evaluation of community needs through request tracking, non-emergency 911 call diversion, and referral to non-emergency resources via the Community Safety Health and Wellness program.

As a bureau of the Public Safety Communications Department, the 311 Program intends to expand and share technology platforms, including 911 phone, Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), scheduling, call processing protocols and other shared resources for efficiency and consistency.

This strategy provides for similar training, support, policy, and oversight, with the potential to serve as a feeder bureau to 911 call intake and dispatch.

3-1-1 SERVICES BUREAU Shared use of technology and workflow development will allow for seamless 911 to 311 handoff, and vice versa, in the event a call initiated through 911 but handed to 311 escalates and requires an emergency response, therefore reducing risk.


Primary Objective, Program Approval, Other Objectives

A primary objective of 311 residing within the Public Safety Communications Department  and 911 workflow remains the need for appropriate resourcing and response.

PSCD has piloted and proven a call triage and transfer process with embedded crisis practitioners within the 911 center over the past four years. 311 will follow a similar model.

311 call triage protocols will focus on call determinates permitting and identifying referrals to CSHW or other non-emergency responders or departments.

The 311 Program was approved and supported by the Mayor and Council and City Manager in mid-2022 with the following objectives in mind:

  • Right-sourcing of non-emergency 911 calls
  • Community Safety Health and Wellness Program data mining and resources connection
  • Community call intake for City services
  • Automation of community service requests and mobile application development
  • Regional 311 partnership and expansion



Implementation and use of 311 call intake protocols will be shared with 911 call intake protocols so that data can be compared and evaluated for impact on previous resourcing and police response.

Pima County and the City of Tucson have agreed to partner in a regional 3-1-1 service, improving community access to government services regardless of location.

In mirroring the 9-1-1 model, 3-1-1 has interconnectivity with the entire region greatly expanding the efficiency of non-emergency services in the Old Pueblo.

Technical Support

Technical support of the 24/7 911 and 311 model will be managed through existing contracts and agreements, with the State 911 contract outlining the Service Level Agreement and aggressive response times to technical trouble reports, and the IT Public Safety Application team already provides 24/7 support to the PSCD.


Pima County