ADA and Other Language Services
To access resources within Parks and Recreation, contact the department ADA and LEP liaisons: Becca Heinze or Beth Lucas at 520-791-4504.
Americans with Disabilities Act Program (ADA)
The ADA is a federal statute signed into law in 1990 to protect the rights of persons with disabilities and provide equal opportunity in employment, equal access to programs, services, and activities.
Office of Equal Opportunity Programs (OEOP) requests citizens help identify barriers to accessibility wherever they are found in City facilities or where those barriers impact programs, activities and services for persons with disabilities.
Discrimination Complaints
Discrimination based on disability by an employer, organization, institution, or business entity within the city limits is against the law.
More ADA Program information and the ADA Liaison List can be found here.
Limited English Proficiency Program (LEP)
Section 602 of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. establishes that persons who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, speak, write or understand English be afforded meaningful access to programs, services, activities and information provided by any entity receiving federal funding.
Language Services/Complaints
The COT has contracted with vendors who provide language services such as written translation and oral interpretation services offered at no charge to LEP persons.
For more information on the Equal Opportunity Programs through the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs (OEOP) visit their webpage. OEOP is a branch of the City Manager's Office responsible for the oversight of all anti-discrimination programs and policies as well as the investigation of discriminatory practices and wrongful conduct for the City of Tucson.