Where is Your Business?

While your mailing address might be Tucson, AZ you may not actually reside, be opening, or operating your business in the City Limits of Tucson!

The ZoomBiz map can help you make this determination and if you are within City Limits it will show you the zoning for your property and any available incentives that might help you start or expand your business.

Click the map link below - when the map opens enter the address information in the box that says "Find My Incentives". A window will open at the bottom of the map and a pin will appear on the parcel identified. If the window has no information then the address you have identifed is not in the City Limits. If you are in the City Limits then the window will populate with your zoning and available incentive information!

Tucson City Limits map

If you have questions contact the Economic Initiatives Team at econdev@tucsonaz.gov or call the Small Business Assistance Line at 520-837-4100.

Contact Us

Contact Information

Small Business Assistance Line
(520) 837-4100
Economic Initiatives Office

Related Links

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