About Business Services Department

Mission Statement

The mission of the Business Services Department is to provide strong fiscal stewardship through the delivery of high quality financial services that support the operations of the City of Tucson.

Department Divisions

Director’s Office

Provide administrative direction to the divisions of the department, manage the city’s debt issuance program, oversee the department’s programs in a prudent manner, and advise city management officials and the government body regarding financial matters.

Accounting and Finance Division

Maintain accurate and complete financial records, pay all employees and vendors accurately and on time, serve the public and city management by supplying meaningful and timely reports and information, and comply with all mandated reporting requirements.

Improvement Districts Section Implement and administer improvement districts established by Mayor and Council. Assure all pre-bond payments, for completed improvement districts, are properly billed and processed. Take to bond any unpaid assessments, and bill, as required, by the Arizona Revised Statutes and maintain records of payments of these bills. Provide information on accounts and districts to the public, e.g., property owners, title companies.

Delinquent Accounts Section is responsible for collecting delinquent accounts for other city departments, such as Water, Library, Community Services, and Tucson Fire Department.

Budget Division

Develops and manages the operating and capital budgets by working with the Mayor and Council, City Manager, and City Departments and Offices.

Taxpayer Assistance Division

License Section administers the city business (sales) tax systems to generate revenue for financing city services in a manner that is accountable and responsive to the public. The section issues business licenses, mails tax returns, and provides education and assistance to business owners.

Investigations Section is responsible for collecting delinquent business privileges and occupational taxes through taxpayer education and assistance, enforcement of the tax code, and filing legal documents to secure the City's claim to taxpayer assets.

Tax Audit Section enforces the Business Privilege Tax Code by performing audits of businesses subject to the tax. Improve taxpayer knowledge of the tax law through the auditing program by conducting taxpayer education seminars, providing informational brochures, and responding to written and telephone requests for information.

Procurement Division

Provides exemplary support to our City departments and the business community by offering strategic and innovative services and opportunities in the procurement of goods and services, through commitment to our values of accountability, ethics, impartiality, professionalism, service and transparency.

Risk Management Division

Claims Section administers a risk management program to ensure continuity of city service and to avoid or minimize the cost of risk to the city by identifying exposures to fortuitous loss, applying effective risk control measures to protect property and safeguard human lives, and provide risk funding methods to meet loss occurrences.

Banking and Treasury Division

Collections Section processes all payments and deposits all revenues received from the public and from other city departments in an accurate and timely manner and operates cashier stations throughout the community.

Investments Section manages the City of Tucson’s investments, the retirement system, and the deferred compensation plan in an effective manner.

Contact Us

Contact Information

Phone (520) 791-4893
Fax (520) 882-0541
Contact Us Online