Domestic Violence Court
Tucson City Court Domestic Violence Court
The Domestic Violence Court was established in 2012.The Court works to provide greater access to the court process and victim services for victims of domestic violence, provide accused defendants with due process, legal representation through the City Public Defender’s office and access to better treatment options, and to hold convicted offenders accountable while working towards lasting change under the Court’s supervision.
In 2017 and again in 2023, the Court was selected by the Office of Violence Against Women to serve as a Domestic Violence Mentor Court. It is now one of six courts nationwide who are recognized as national models and have been chosen to share their expertise by hosting site visits, linking courts with peers facing similar challenges and assisting other domestic violence courts to implement best practices to respond effectively to domestic violence cases.
City Magistrate Wendy Million presides over Domestic Violence Court. She is the Chairperson of the Arizona Supreme Court’s Committee on Domestic Violence and the Courts, she is a founding member of the Judicial Engagement Network-a national community of engaged judges and judicial officers leading efforts to improve community responses and judicial and court practices to domestic violence and sexual assault, and she teaches about domestic violence, protective orders and firearms laws to judges, attorneys, and court staff in Arizona and nationwide.
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