Defendant Resources

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Domestic Violence Court Resources for Defendants:

First Court Date:

  • If you are out of custody, your first hearing will be an arraignment, roughly 30 days from the date of your arrest. You must appear in court for this first hearing.
  • At that hearing, the judge will inform you of your charges and enter a not guilty plea. 
  • Your case may stay in DV Court or may be assigned to another judge in another courtroom.   The Court will talk to you about options for having a lawyer represent you or representing yourself in the case.
  • If you were ordered not to have any contact with the victim, you must obey that court order until a court changes that order.  If you do not comply, you risk being arrested for another domestic violence charge for failure to obey a court order. 
  • Do not talk to anyone but an attorney about the charges in your case, especially the listed victim.

Things to Understand:

  • The crime you are charged with has the additional domestic violence label because OF THE RELATIONSHIP between you and the victim, not necessarily because there was violence.
  • Victims cannot dismiss DV charges, but the Court welcomes them to Court to give input on conditions of contact and return. Victims have a constitutional right to speak to the Court and Prosecutor.  
  • What makes a case a domestic violence case? Relationships:
    • Certain family relationships (parents, children, grandparents)
    • Living together now or in the past
    • Intimate Partner Relationships:
    • Child in common
    • Married currently or Previously Married
    • Previously or currently in a romantic or sexual relationship


Resources if you are assigned to DV COURT:

  • If you have been appointed an attorney or have retained an attorney, always contact your attorney, not the court, with any questions or issues.  The Court cannot communicate with you if you are represented by an attorney.
  • City Public Defender’s phone number: 520-791-4857
  • Contract Attorneys list- Conflict Attorney List(PDF, 25KB)
  • DV Court’s Treatment Provider list: DV Treatment Provider list(PDF, 552KB)

Affidavit of Firearms Transfer

If you have been ordered to transfer a firearm to the Tucson Police Department click the link below

Firearms-Ammunition-Transfer-Instructions.pdf(PDF, 486KB)