Transit Connections Focus Group
Participants were invited to take part in the Transit Connections Focus Group to provide feedback to DTM staff on proposed actionable items for Mayor and Council consideration aimed to support the success and growth of the Frequent Transit Network. Through this effort, discussions will focus on opportunities to integrate and strengthen transportation planning, investments, and operations across multiple modes, including transit, active transportation, first-/last-mile mobility options, and parking.
Purpose Statement (pdf)(PDF, 109KB)
Beginning Feb. 22, 2018, the Focus Group will meet monthly for approximately 6 months.
Meeting Dates and Agendas Outline - REVISED 6/19/18 (pdf)(PDF, 83KB)
The letter of invitation includes a list of agencies invited.
Letter of Invitation (pdf) (PDF, 273KB)
Member Lists:
Focus Group Members - REVISED 6/18/18 (pdf) (PDF, 203KB)
Project Team Members (pdf)(PDF, 144KB)
Meeting #2: Field Observations Tour: Thursday, April 19, 2018
Participants Observations
Meeting #3: Thursday, May 17, 2018
Discussion Materials: Initial Project Team Assessments
Meeting #5: Thursday, July 19, 2018
A copy of the draft working document reflecting the reorganization and
additions to the June 21, 2018 list is provided
Meeting #6: Thursday, August 16, 2018
Meeting #7: Thursday, October 4, 2018
Handouts sent in by Focus Group member and distributed:
Southern Arizona Transit Advocates (SATA):
Meeting #8: Thursday, Nov. 1
Diagram:(PDF, 218KB) Example of How Transit-supportive Policies can be Implemented in Private Development Process
Meeting #9: Date TBD