Graffiti Removal Program

When reporting graffiti for removal or reporting graffiti that you have removed please provide the following information:

  • Address or cross streets of the graffiti: Example: 7575 E Speedway Blvd, graffiti is on the west wall, black paint; or Speedway & Kolb northeast corner on the wall, red paint. If no specific information is provided a work order will not be generated. We will remove graffiti only within City Limits.

Report Graffiti  


Graffiti cannot always be prevented, but property owners and residents can reduce the incidence of graffiti on building exteriors and walls by having good lighting and vegetation along walls.

Work with your neighbors, your neighborhood association, or home owners’ association to be the eyes and ears for your community.


Putting graffiti on public or private property is against the law. If you see someone in the act of “tagging,” call 911. If the graffiti is already in place, report it. Graffiti left in place tends to attract more graffiti.

Graffiti in Alleys

The City will remove graffiti in an alley if it is visible from a City-maintained roadway. Anything further will be the homeowner's/owner's responsibility.

The City does not remove graffiti from the following:

  • Construction sites or equipment,
  • Billboards
  • Vehicles
  • Non-city-owned dumpsters
  • Storage containers
  • Parks
  • Schools
  • Murals
  • Interior of structures
  • Bus stops
  • ADOT property (example: freeway sound walls)
  • Surfaces above two levels
  • Structures along railroad rights-of-way
  • Private property not clearly visible by public right of way (example: interior backyard fence of private residence)
  • Locations with no access (example: wall behind locked gates with “no trespass” signs present)

Additional Resources for Graffiti Removal

  • Graffiti on bus stops can be reported to Sun Tran customer service at (520) 792-9222
  • Graffiti outside of the City Limits can be reported to Pima County at (520) 792-8224
  • Graffiti at ADOT property can be reported to (520) 388-4200
  • If you are a property owner or resident, you can try washing off graffiti or painting it over yourself. If you need assistance, report it. If you attempt to remove the graffiti by painting over it and the paint is “blotched,” we will not be able to remove it.

Contracted Services

The City of Tucson has contracted with GPC to remove the graffiti city-wide.