FoodCycle At Home

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Join the Food Waste Collection Program!

This program will offer residents the opportunity to drop off their food scraps for composting. EGSD is working in partnership with local community gardens and parks in Tucson.  

Information Sessions will be held for residents to learn about the program and receive a kitchen compost pail that can be used to collect food scraps from their homes. 

Here’s how to get involved:

  1. Sign up for a 30-minute information session to learn the basics
  2. Complete the training and receive a free home kitchen compost pail to collect food scraps
  3. Receive the code to access the container lock at drop off sites
  4. Drop off food scraps in container at a City collection site 

EGSD will collect the food waste from the gardens and use it at the composting facility at the Los Reales Sustainability Campus. Your actions help to improve air quality, create landfill space, and decrease food waste. 

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Upcoming Information Session    

Saturday, Jan. 25 at 10 a.m.
Reid Park Zoo

3400 E Zoo Ct

Sign Up Here

Locked bins for food scraps are set up at each of the following locations:   

Food Waste Drop-Off Sites
 Blue Moon Garden  1501 N. Oracle Road
 Highland Vista Garden 5300 E. 7th Street 
Little Leaf Garden 1315 W. Speedway Boulevard
New Spirit Garden  8701 E. Old Spanish Trail 
Pio Decimo Garden  835 S. 7th Avenue
Purple Heart Dog Park  9820 Rees Loop 
 Tucson Clean and Beautiful 1360 E. Irvington Road 
Udall Park  7290 E. Tanque Verde Road  
 Ward 4 NRC 8155 E. Poinciana Drive