Access Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Landlord Resources

Access the Landlord Portal

Resources for HCV (Section 8) landlords partnering with the City of Tucson.

Welcome to HCD's new Section 8 Landlords page. Access to the portal is still here and can be found at the top of the page. If you have any questions, please Contact Us

Interested in accepting HCV (Section 8) participants in Tucson? Click here for more information.

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HUD requires that all units occupied by families receiving Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) assistance meet HUD's Housing Quality Standards (HQS) and permits the PHA to establish additional requirements. The use of the term "HQS" here refers to the combination of both HUD and PHA-established requirements.

All units must pass HQS inspection prior to the approval of a lease and at least once every 24 months during the term of the contract, and at other times as needed, to determine that the unit meets HQS. [24 CFR 982 Subpart I and 24 CFR 982.507]

When inspections are required

  • Before a new participant moves in (called an initial)
  • Biennial or special
  • Quality Control Inspections (for more information see below and/or read [24 CRF 982.405(B)]


Quality Control Inspections

HUD requires a PHA supervisor or other qualified person to conduct quality control inspections of a sample of units to ensure that each inspector is conducting accurate and complete inspections and that there is consistency in the application of the HQS. The unit sample must include only units that have been inspected within the preceding 3 months. The selected sample will include (1) each type of inspection (initial, annual, and special), (2) inspections completed by each inspector, and (3) units from a cross-section of neighborhoods.

In conducting PHA supervisory quality control HQS inspections, the PHA should include a representative sample of both tenant-based and project-based units.


Helpful Hints for Passing an Inspection

Ensure a successful inspection with these resources.

Failed inspections result in abatements (see below).


Talk to your inspector for any specific questions regarding your upcoming inspection. Look up your inspector by Zip Code  (PDF, 111KB)below.

Zip codes as of 03/01/2023 
 Greg Smith Cindy Frederico   Arturo Encinas Adriana Perez  Sandra Shelton
 85321  85745  85653  85705  85706  85629  85748  85756  85711 85716 
 85634  85746  85654  85742  85707  85645  85749  
 85701  85757  85755  85743  85708  85641  85750  
 85713  85739  85704  85730  85747  85710  
 85714  85737  85719  85723  85715  
 85735  85718  85658  85724  85712  
 85736  85741  85614    


Please keep in mind, inspectors are in the field most of the day. If you have an emergency or need immediate assistance, please contact Fernando Ortiz at (520) 837-5372 or

Inspection Extension Requests

Extensions will be granted in cases where the PHA has determined that the owner has made a good faith effort to correct the deficiencies and is unable to for reason beyond the owner’s control. Reasons may include but are not limited to:

  • Parts/service not available
  • Weather conditions
  • Reasonable accommodation for a family with a disability

The length of the extension will be determined on a case-by-case basis, but will not exceed 60 days, except in the case of delays cause by weather conditions. In the case of weather conditions, extensions may be continued until the weather has improved sufficiently to make repairs possible. The necessary repairs must be made within 15 calendar days, once the weather conditions have subsided [24 CFR 982.404].

A request to extend must be placed in writing stating:

  • Unit address
  • Family name
  • Reason for extension request

The City of Tucson will have 10 days to respond to the extension. 

Submit an extension request to


If an owner fails to correct HQS deficiencies by the time specified by the PHA, HUD requires the PHA to abate the housing assistance payments no later than the first of the month following the specified correction period (including any approved extension) [24 CFR 985.3(f)].

No retroactive payments will be made to the owner for the period the rent was abated. Owner rents are not abated as a result of HQS failures that are the family’s responsibility. 

When a unit goes into abatement, the unit will be inspected every year until the unit passes two consecutive HQS inspections the first time.

During an abatement, the family continues to pay their portion of the rent but are not responsible for the PHA portion.

A landlord is unable to evict for the PHA portion.

Questions on Inspections

For general questions on inspections, contact Fernando Ortiz at (520) 837-5372 or, or send an email to your assigned inspector.


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Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contracts

The Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contract is between the City of Tucson and landlord. There is a HAP Contract for each HCV  participant that the landlord has a lease with.

  • Make sure you get the HAP contract to the City of Tucson ASAP
  • The HAP terms need to end on the last day of the month
  • View the HAP here(PDF, 828KB)


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Landlord briefings consist of HCD-hosted informational workshops, for new, existing, or interested HCV landlords. Housing and Community Development staff highlight benefits, explain the program in detail and answer any questions. 

Contact Fernando Moraga at for briefing dates and times.

View the City of Tucson Housing and Community Development Housing Choice Voucher Program Landlord Briefing PowerPoint presentation(PPTX, 1MB).


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Contract Rent Increase and Changes in Utility Responsibilities

Rent cannot be raised during initial lease term.

After the initial occupancy period, the owner may request a rent adjustment one time per year, at least 60 days prior to the anniversary of the HAP Contract. [CFR 982.507]

Please reference Rent Increase Request form(PDF, 340KB)

When a change in utility responsibilities is requested after the initial term of the lease, said change must be in writing 90 days before the effective date of the next annual contract renewal. Initial Lease Term - Rent cannot be raised during initial lease term.

Part C to the HAP Contract, #4 Rent to Owner, b. states:

“Changes in the rent to owner shall be determined by the provisions of the lease. However, the owner may not raise the rent during the initial term of the lease.”

(Rent to owner includes all housing services, maintenance, utilities and appliances to be provided and paid by the owner in accordance with the lease.)

Subsequent Leases – RUB changes during subsequent lease term(s) will require a minimum of 60 days written notice to the PHA and the HCV participant. If there are any changes in lease requirements governing tenant of owner responsibilities for utilities and appliances, a new lease must be executed as well as a new HAP Contract. [24 CFR 982.517]


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Unit Transfers

Unit transfers within the property must be approved by the PHA and go through the same Request for Tenancy Approval (RTA) process as the initial unit.

Unit transfers are treated like new move ins; a 60-day notice is required and a new RTA packet will need to be filled out by the landlord and submitted for approval and inspection.  

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Landlord Portal Service

Access the Landlord Portal

In the Landlord Portal, landlords can look up 12 months of payments and can also see a listing of:

  • Contracts
  • Inspection notices
  • Inspection results
  • Abatements

All active landlords will receive a letter in the mail providing a registration code to register for access to the portal.

Locked out of the portal? Email

If you are a managing agent responsible for properties with contracts associated with more than on Tax ID #, please email and we will contact you to set up your managing agent role on the portal.

Payments are processed on the 5th business day of each month


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Payment Information

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Form

To receive payments from the City of Tucson electronically fill out this application: Landlord Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Form(PDF, 704KB)

Payment Information

Information regarding checks and electronic funds transfer (EFT) payments issued by the City is now available to you online.

Please allow 10 business days from the date of the check to receive your payment.

If payment has not been received within 10 business days of the listed payment date.
For payment tracking assistance contact (520) 837-5397 or email:

Payment Tracking

To get started enter the vendor number shown on any previous City of Tucson EFT notification or contact us to get your number. 
Vendor Code Form

HCV Landlord Helpful Hints

  • If there has been a management change or ownership change for your property, contact
  • Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) payments can be found in the Landlord Portal
  • Initial lease or renewal leases signed by landlord and participant must be submitted to City of Tucson ASAP to ensure timely payment
  • Contract Rent increases must meet rent reasonableness and require PHA approval
  • Changes in utilities responsibility require a new HAP Contract
  • If you need to set up a portal account, contact

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List Your Unit on

The City of Tucson uses (formerly to list all available units in the area.

List your unit

Visit, create an account
(Service is free of charge for unit listing, additional features are provided on the site for a charge)
Complete the Property Listing Form(PDF, 3MB) and fax to AffordableHousing at (561) 461-9848


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Contact Us

For questions about the program, contact:
Gwen Nesbitt (520) 837-5348
Fernando Moraga (520) 837-5019