Development Impact Fees

Determine Impact Fees

Get an estimate for assessed impact fees related to a development project online by viewing the Development Impact Fee Calculator.


Arizona State Statutes authorize municipalities to collect development impact fees to fund infrastructure necessitated by growth.

The City of Tucson last updated its development impact fee program in 2020. As part of State law, municipalities are required to make updates every five years and produce reports that project the amount of growth expected and the necessary public services or facility expansions needed.

Adopted Land Use Assumptions, Infrastructure Improvements Plan, and Development Impact Fee Report (2020)(PDF, 2MB)

Mixed Use Incentive (In effect 8/23/20)(PDF, 273KB)

General Information:

Development impact fees are one-time fees dedicated to expand:

  1. Roads
  2. Parks
  3. Police Services
  4. Fire Services

Development impact fees apply to developments if:

  1. There is new development (residential and commercial)
  2. A change in use that requires a larger service need

The Planning and Development Services Department works with developers to determine the service fee based on:

  1. The service area
  2. The use
  3. The development size

State law requires that there be a beneficial nexus between the development that pays the fees and the infrastructure built with those fee revenues. Fees collected in each of the service areas must be spent in the same respective service area. The fees can only be used to construct new facilities or expand existing facilities to provide service to new development. Fees may not be used to repair, replace, operate or maintain existing facilities.

Finance/Budget Division administers the program (prepares the budgets and tracks all revenue/expenditure activity).

The Planning and Development Services Department assists with the required update process (currently ongoing) and collects development impact fees when a building permit is issued.

Additional Resources:

Impact Fee General Information Handout(PDF, 1MB)

Development Impact Fees Budget Department