Published on May 28, 2024
Planning and Development Services (PDSD) offers a unique opportunity for personal and professional growth, and it is looking to fill two vacant positions on the Design Review Board (DRB): a Contractor and a Registered Architect residing within the City of Tucson limits. Joining the DRB will allow you to contribute to the city's development and enhance your skills and knowledge in the process.
The DRB reviews, holds hearings, and makes recommendations on applications for development in the Rio Nuevo Area, Grant Road Investment District, Sunshine Mile District, and requests for landscape variances and other applications.
Per the Unified Development Code § 2.2.6, the DRB should be composed of at least one registered architect, one contractor, and two registered landscape architects. The City of Tucson Mayor and Council make the appointments to the DRB.
Having a fully appointed DRB will help ensure a quorum and that items are heard in a timely manner. PDSD would be happy to speak with any potential members to discuss DRB and time commitment in further detail. For more information, please contact María Gayosso, Principal Planner