Building Permit Exemptions

The following types of construction do not require building permits or inspections:

*If you are located in a Historic Preservation Zone (HPZ) or Historic Landmark (HL), any development requires a permit and a Historic Preservation Design Review.

Exterior Project Types* Exemption Requirements
Above ground pools Prefabricated pools that are 18 inches or less in depth and hold 5,000 gallons or less
Decks 30" or less above grade and does not serve as the primary exit
Replacement of evaporative coolers Like for like replacement
Window awnings supported on an exterior wall Not projecting more than 54 inches and the applicant must verify the minimum side or rear yard setbacks for the distance an awning can project into the required setbacks
Window replacement Unless you are located in a Historic Preservation Zone (HPZ)
Roofing repair or replacement Like for like replacement. Replacing roof sheathing or deck requires a building permit.

Interior Project Types Exemption Requirements
Portable motors or other portable appliances with factory installed cords Must utilize factory cord and plug assembly
Painting, floor covering, cabinetry, or interior trim work --
Temporary decorative lighting Must utilize factory cord and plug assembly to existing electrical receptacle suitable for exterior exposure
The reinstallation of a switch or receptacle Must be in the same location
The replacement of a circuit breaker or fuse Must be the same rating and in the same location (including main breakers under certain conditions)Policy 2016-01(PDF, 440KB)
Low voltage electrical Must operate at less than 25 volts and is not capable of supplying more than 50 watts
Stopping leaks in a drain, soil, waste, or vent piping Does not include pipe replacement
Replacement of toilets In the same location
Portable heating appliance, portable ventilating equipment, or portable cooling unit Must utilize factory cord and plug assembly
Appliance repair Does not alter its original approval

The following types of construction require a permit

A site plan is needed to verify setbacks, height, and other zoning standards. Building plans are not required and building inspections are not conducted. If the proposed construction is larger than the size indicated below, building plans and building inspections will be required.

*If you are located in a Historic Preservation Zone (HPZ), any development requires  Historical Preservation Design Review.

Exterior Project Types* Exemption Requirements
Storage sheds, playhouses and similar structures Single story detached accessory structures that are 200 sf or less in area and don't have electrical
Water harvesting cisterns Under 1,000 gallons in size
Fences and walls Up to 6 feet in height
Tents and shade sails Up to 400 sf
Swing sets and play equipment For single family residences. If taller than 5 ft in height and larger than 10 ft in area, permit is required.

View frequently asked questions (FAQ).

The granting of a City permit does not exempt the applicant from complying with any HOA's CC&Rs or any other private deed restrictions associated with the property; and the issuance of this permit is not in any way an indication that the work/project complies with any HOA's CC&Rs or any other private deed restrictions associated with the property.