Multi-Modal Infrastructure Assessment Study

South 12th Avenue Infrastructure Assessment Study

The City of Tucson is conducting a study on South 12th Avenue between 44th Street and Drexel Road to determine if safety and streetscape enhancement projects should be initiated on the avenue known locally as La Doce.

Read the Improvements Scenarios Concept Report

Project Purpose

The 12th Avenue Infrastructure Assessment Study identified potential projects that include improvements to sidewalks, bicycle lanes, pedestrian crossings, parking, medians, bus stops, public art and landscaping.

The study team was comprised of City of Tucson staff from the departments of Planning & Development Services, Transportation, and Housing & Community Development, with assistance from the planning and engineering consultant Kimley-Horn Associates.

The South 12th Avenue community’s input helped the study team develop three concepts for potential improvements that the public was asked to consider. After deciding which improvements were preferred, the City will look for funding opportunities from various sources that would make potential improvements possible.

Involvement by the community helped ensure that the study and any potential improvement projects that come from it are consistent with community values and the cultural heritage of the area. Community support helps bring transportation funding for roadway safety and enhancement projects to our community.

Project Overview

The improvement projects that could come from this assessment and study are important for creating a safer and more comfortable environment for those who live, work, or visit in the area. Physical improvements to any street also encourage economic investment and promote social equity.

This assessment established priorities for investment so that funding can be requested from various sources to make any identified improvements a reality.

Improvement of sidewalks, including adding sidewalks to approximately 20 percent of the study area where they don’t currently exist, and consolidating some driveway entrances would provide better pedestrian access and safety while reducing the number of potential pedestrian crashes with motorists.

While business owners may express concern about changes in direct access to their properties, some types of businesses are affected for short periods of time and most find improvements lead to enhanced business once traffic flow is normalized and motorists become accustomed to the changes.

The potential projects will improve the appearance of the corridor and provide property owners and customers with safe access to roadways, and create an appealing streetscape that attracts businesses and customers.

Potential Improvements

Basic Improvement

The Basic Improvement would provide sidewalks in areas where they don’t already exist, in a way that has minimal construction effect on existing businesses. The improvements would be confined to work within existing City right-of-way.

  • No parking impacts
  • Fill sidewalk gaps
  • Maintain traffic lanes
  • New stamped center turn lane
  • Management of driveways, but no closures
  • Maintain bike lane
  • Enhance existing bus stops/shelters
  • New pedestrian crossings
  • New basic landscaped area


Moderate Improvement

The Moderate Improvement would also construct sidewalks in areas where they do not exist; in addition, this scenario would consolidate duplicate driveways where feasible so that additional sidewalk and landscaping could be constructed. Sidewalks would be constructed adjacent to the curb to minimize impacts to businesses and to right-of-way.

  • Some parking impacts
  • Fill sidewalk gaps
  • Maintain traffic lanes
  • New stamped center turn lane
  • Management of driveways with some consolidations
  • Maintain bicycle lanes
  • Enhance existing bus stops/shelters
  • New pedestrian crossings
  • New moderate landscaped areas


Enhanced Improvement

The Enhanced Improvement would construct sidewalks with a buffer between the sidewalk and the travel lane, to improve the comfort of the pedestrian.  This scenario also removes or consolidates duplicate driveways, converts the outside travel lanes of South 12th Avenue to on-street parking, installs a buffered bicycle lane, and includes planting additional trees. The additional on-street parking will offset the loss of some on-site parking that is displaced by the new sidewalk and landscape buffer. Seating in landscaped areas would be added where space allows.

  • Some parking impacts, but re-purposed               
  • Traffic lane adds on-street parking                        
  • New leveled sidewalks                                             
  • New stamped center turn lane                               
  • Management of driveways with some access consolidations
  • Enhanced bike lanes
  • Enhanced existing bus stops/shelters
  • New pedestrian crossings
  • New enhanced landscape areas at locations

Enhanced1.png Enhanced2.jpg

12th Infrastructure Assessment Final Report


Stay Informed

Maria Gayosso, Project Manager
Phone: (520) 837-6972
Mail: City of Tucson Planning & Development Services Department, Attn: Maria Gayosso, P.O. Box 27210, Tucson, AZ 85726