Transportation - Transporte

Transportation/Circulation is about the mobility of people and goods and the circulation system formed by the network of roadways, bicycle routes, and pedestrian routes, so people can go from their houses to work, to stores, to school, to a park for recreation in a safe and efficient manner. Below are some of the most current efforts working towards the implementation of complete streets practices along South 12th Avenue, along with art and landscaping features, that would make the area much more accessible to those who want to walk or bike from place to place along the corridor, as well as improve accessibility for people who live in the area.

Irvington Road to Drexel Road Transportation and Streetscape Improvements Project: The City of Tucson is designing improvements to South 12th Avenue between Irvington and Drexel roads to incorporate elements of the "Complete Streets" approach to roadway design. The proposed improvements came from an Infrastructure Assessment Study conducted by the City and the improvements are scheduled for construction in fall of 2019.

Proyecto De Mejoras Del Paisaje Urbano y Transporte de Irvington Road a Drexel RoadLa ciudad de Tucson está diseñando mejoras en South 12th Avenue entre las calles Irvington y Drexel para incorporar elementos del enfoque de "Calles completas" al diseño de carreteras. Las mejoras propuestas provienen de un Estudio de Evaluación de Infraestructura realizado por la Ciudad y la construcción de las mejoras está programada para el otoño de 2019.

streetscape two people south 12th ave

South 12th Ave. Multi-Modal & Streetscape Infrastructure Assessment Study: Finalized in June 2018, this study assessed the feasibility of implementing transportation & streetscape improvement in the avenue.

Evaluación De La Infrastructura De Transporte Y Paisaje Urbano En La Doce: Finalizado en Junio 2018, este estudio evaluó la factibilidad de implementar mejoras a la infraestructura de transporte y al paisaje de la avenida.


Liberty Bike Boulevard: To be built in 2018 A new bike boulevard will be installed along Liberty Avenue, between 43rd Street and Los Reales Road, and will include a signalized pedestrian crossing at La Canada Street and South 12th Avenue.

Boulevard De Bicicletas Liberty: A construirse en el 2018 Un nuevo boulevard de bicicletas será instalado a lo largo de la Avenida Liberty, entre las calle 43 y Los Reales, incluyendo un cruze peatonal señalizado en la calle Canada y la Avenida 12.

The Big Jump ProjectTucson was selected as one of ten winning cities to join this educational program by the nationally recognized advocacy organization People For Bikes. The focus is to double or triple bike ridership in the City of South Tucson and surrounding neighborhoods.


Proyecto El Gran SaltoTucson fue selectionada como una de las diez ciudades ganadoras para unirse a este programa educativo de la organización nacional PeopleForBikes. El enfoque es doblar o triplicar el uso de bicicletas como medio de transporte en la ciudad de South Tucson y los vecindarios aledaños. 

Cyclovia on South 12th: The avenue was closed on Sunday, October 19, 2017 to allow people to ride their bikes, walk, and participate in various activities throughout the day.

¡Cyclovia En La Doce!La avenida se cerró el domingo 19 de Octubre de 2017 para que la gente pudiera pasear en sus bicis, caminar y participar en varias actividades durante todo el día.




Stay Informed

Maria Gayosso, Project Manager
Phone: (520) 837-6972
Mail: City of Tucson Planning & Development Services Department, Attn: Maria Gayosso, P.O. Box 27210, Tucson, AZ 85726