About the Bicycle & Pedestrian Program


The mission of the Tucson Department of Transportation Bicycle and Pedestrian Program is to create a complete transportation network where walking and biking are safe, convenient, and comfortable ways of moving around the city for people of all ages and abilities. We initiate and support programs that encourage active transportation choices and promote roadway safety.


  1. Networks: Create comprehensive bicycle and pedestrian networks that connect people to their destinations.
  2. Trips: Increase walking and bicycling trips.
  3. Safety: Reduce frequency and severity of crashes involving people walking and bicycling.
  4. Equity: Prioritize high-need, underserved, and vulnerable communities in public engagement and infrastructure investment.


  • Develop, update and oversee the implementation of comprehensive bicycle and pedestrian master plans.
  • Create a plan of bikeway and walkway networks and facilitate their construction, maintenance, and continued improvement.
  • Develop educational programs and materials for all road users to increase safety, awareness, and understanding of bicycle and pedestrian rights and responsibilities.
  • Stay up-to-date on best practices in planning and engineering and promote their adoption.
  • Provide free bicycle racks to businesses and organizations.
  • Secure and leverage funding for priority projects and programs.
  • Collaborate with regional enforcement and planning agencies to improve crash and count data collection, analysis, and reporting to develop proactive safety strategies.
  • Support initiatives, programs, and community events that encourage walking and biking such as: Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Tucson, Cyclovia Tucson, Bike Fest, Pedaling the Pueblo, Love to Ride, Mobile Bike Repair, Bike Valet and Youth Bicycling programs.
  • Bring public bike share to Tucson and support its operation and expansion.
  • Listen and respond to the needs and ideas of community members, advisory committees, and visitors.
  • Conduct outreach activities to provide information and invite public involvement.