Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committees


Sunset desert with black silhouette of man holding a bike up. Two saguaros in background

Have feedback about your bike riding experience? Passionate about improving bicycling conditions in Tucson? Who is the BAC and how can it help me?

We are bicycle commuters, recreational riders, from carbon frames to slow rolling cruisers. No matter the bike, we are all residents in Pima County and Tucson volunteering to passionately advocate for others’ experiences of riding bikes on streets and on The Loop as an important way to get around. We meet monthly to review various bicycling infrastructure changes, identify issues in bicycle connectivity, and identify bicycle safety issues and opportunities.

Meets 6-8 p.m. every third Wednesday
Find the meeting link in the Upcoming Agenda and Past Agendas and Meeting Minutes HERE.

Duties and Responsibilities of the BAC include:

  1. Confer with and advise the governing bodies of the City and County on community concerns relating to bicycling.
  2. Review and make recommendations on proposed local, state and federal legislation relating to bicycling.
  3.  Act as an official advisory agency to the City and County governing bodies for technical questions and concerns relating to bicycling.
  4.  Render an annual report of Committee activities to the governing bodies of the City and County, and to file minutes of Committee meetings with the two governing bodies.
  5. Recommend such actions to the governing bodies of the City and the County as the Committee deems necessary for desirable to accomplish the above functions, and to put its policy into practice.
Get in touch with us if you can’t attend or want to send your feedback now: Submit a form 
This year, the BAC will focus on:

1. Safety and Education
     - Vision Zero
     - Victim blaming
     - TPD communication
2. Evaluation and Planning
     - Transportation department relationship
     - Communication over infrastructure design
     - Setting new expectations around collaboration/communication 
 3. Infrastructure
     - Invite guest speakers to learn how infrastructure works 
     - Loop connectivity 
     - Bicycle boulevard or bike lane small improvements 

Our quarterly accomplishments, recommendations, and annual reports can be found in Reports.

Much of the work of the BAC focuses on implementation of the following three City-wide initiatives:

- Move Tucson
- Complete Streets Manual
- Equity Office Mapping  

If you would like to request a presentation, please email Ben Elias at

Mission Statement

One of the key responsibilities of the Tucson/Pima County Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) is to advise elected officials and governing bodies on public concerns and questions related to bicycling conditions in the region. This includes serving as a resource to interested members of the community on the efforts made by City and County to improve the safety of and access to bicycling.

Want to get involved with the BAC?

Members of the public are encouraged to participate in decisions regarding bicycling by a number of means:
- Complete a comment form to identify a concern or request action;
- Attend a virtual monthly BAC meeting
- Speak at a monthly BAC meeting in the “Call to the Public” timeslot. Please be aware that speakers are limited to 3 minutes per person given the often full agendas. If your issue is likely to take more time to explain, you may also;
       - Request an item be added to the formal agenda at the next meeting
       - Join the BAC as seats are available

If you can’t attend a BAC meeting, public comment may also be sent to the City support staff member. at least two hours prior to the meeting starting time; include in the email Subject Line “Public Comment” and the agenda item number; such comments will be read aloud during consideration of that agenda item subject to time limits.

If you are unsure about the relevance of a concern or would like help preparing to speak to the BAC, please contact Ben Elias, City of Tucson or Jonathan Crowe, Pima County.

Want to join the BAC?

Submit an application or contact Ben Elias at for more information.


Who can join the BAC?
- Any Tucson or County resident may submit an application to the City staff person supporting the BAC to see if there is an opening at your Ward Office or other applicable seat. It is not age specific, any resident with an experience of biking in Tucson streets is encouraged to apply. Similarly, it is not knowledge specific; you do not need a degree or professional background in transportation, your biking experience and analysis of others’ biking experiences is sufficient.
Who is on the BAC?
- Volunteer neighbors representing different Wards, Marana, Sahuarita, and tribal members (openings available)
How can I know more about biking and bike safety in Tucson?
- Reach out to the BAC with your question or concern. You may also contact your Ward Office, County Office, Living Streets Alliance , BICAS, or GABA
I feel unsafe about aviation parkway because of houseless folks on the path.
- It is not in the scope for BAC to address this concern.
Does the BAC make rules and regulations for bicycling?
- No, it makes recommendations to officials around bicycle related safety concerns
How to report an incident?
- If it’s an emergency, call 911. If not, share your observations/experience with the BAC to identify if there are opportunities for a street design or bicycling infrastructure review.
How do I suggest a bicycle improvement?
- Reach out to our friendly City staff member available by email.



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  1. Policy & Implementation | Promote and improve connectivity and quality of pedestrian network for all users
  2. Pedestrian Funding | Advocate for prioritization of funding for pedestrian safety
  3. Expertise | Serve as the city’s expert resource in creating a safe and complete pedestrian community
  4. Education, Promotion, Enforcement | Help increase public awareness on pedestrian safety issues as well as the benefits of a walkable community


TBD, meetings will be held virtually until further notice


Visit the Boards & Commissions Pedestrian Advisory Committee 


Maintenance icon

Help the City identify street, lighting, drainage, signage, and other transportation related issues such as:

  • Maintenance: filling potholes and cracks, sweeping, trimming vegetation
  • Traffic Control: signing, lane striping, crossing signal repair
  • Reconstruction: asphalt paving, utilities, curbs, ramps and sidewalks

CALL: 520.791.3154


volunteer icon

  • BICAS: Through advocacy and bicycle salvage, our mission is to participate in affordable bicycle transportation, education, and creative recycling with our greater Tucson community.
  • EL GRUPO: A youth cycling organization that provides youth with experiences that are fun, skill-building, and bike centered, so that they can acquire the self confidence and leadership skills to be active and healthy members of the community.
  • Living Streets Alliance: Advocating for a thriving Tucson by creating great streets for all of us.