Prop 411 Safety Improvement Approved by CSCC

Published on September 09, 2024

The Complete Streets Coordinating Council (CSCC) has formally approved an extension of the Street Safety Improvement Plan (SSIP) funding Sidewalk and Pedestrian Accessibility Improvements, Bicycle Network Enhancements, and Systemwide Safety Improvements through 2029, covering seven years of the voter-approved Proposition 411 revenue collections.

The SSIP, approved last month, includes 44 identified safety projects and represents over $82M in investments in transportation safety in the City of Tucson, increasing to over $100M with the forthcoming approval of the Traffic Signal Technology Upgrades element.

The full list of approved projects can be viewed at:

Prop 411 Street Safety Map colorful lines that show roadways that will receive improvements

What is the Complete Streets Coordinating Council?

In May 2022, the voters of Tucson approved Proposition 411, now known as Better Streets | Safe Streets, which extended the City of Tucson’s existing ½-cent sales tax and dedicated the funding to citywide transportation improvements. Mayor and Council designated the Complete Streets Coordinating Council (CSCC) as the public oversight body of the safety funds. The CSCC is composed of 20 Tucsonans who review transportation projects, help prioritize transportation investments, and provide public oversight over complete streets implementation.