Travel Reduction Ordinance (TRO)

The Ordinance

The Travel Reduction Ordinance (Ord. No. 6914, § 1, 3-28-88(PDF, 103KB)) was developed to improve air quality and reduce traffic congestion, by increasing alternate travel mode usage and reducing overall motor vehicle travel for commute trips.

Major employers in the region are required to participate in the Travel Reduction Program and follow instructions from the Regional Task Force by:

  1. Providing information on alternative modes of travel.  Employees can voluntarily log their alternative mode trips in Sun Rideshare.

  2. Participating in the employee travel survey.  These results are posted in the program’s annual report.

  3. Creating a travel reduction plan that follows the Travel Reduction Ordinance (PDF)(PDF, 51KB).

Alternative Travel Mode Information

Employee Commute Survey

  • TRP employers are required to conduct an employee survey every year. Employees are asked how they get to work in a typical week and how far they drive. Alternative mode usage is calculated for each worksite based on the number of commute trips where an alternative mode is used. This information is used by PAG for transportation planning to identify and improve travel demand strategies that will improve traffic flow across the region.

  • The next City of Tucson Employee Travel Survey will be conducted in September 2019.

Employee Travel Reduction Plan

Regional Resources


City of Tucson

Pima Association of Governments (PAG)

Pima County

Regional Transportation Authority (RTA)

Other Organizations