How will the City serve new areas? Before an area qualifies for annexation, the City makes sure it is able to properly serve that area. City departments analyze proposed annexations to determine if additional staff or resources are needed. The City then looks at the expected revenues to ensure that enough funds will be received to cover the additional service costs. State Shared Revenue (the money provided by the State for each person in a city) is a significant funding source for the City to provide the necessary service.
How does property become annexed? Annexation is a democratic process governed by State law that requires the consent of majority of property owners within the district. When the majority of property owners (both in numbers and assessed value) sign petitions in favor of annexation, City of Tucson Mayor and Council vote to adopt an ordinance officially annexing the a area.
Will joining the City cost me money or save me money? Some residents will save money by joining the City and some will pay more depending upon the costs they currently pay for fire/paramedic protection and trash/recycling. We have found that for most homeowners, the cost or savings is very small and is not a factor in deciding whether or not to join. The Annexation office can give you an accurate calculation based on your particular situation.
Contact Information
Mike Czechowski Annexation Project Manager 255 W. Alameda, 4th Floor (520) 837-4058