
Legal and Contractual Remedies

Protest In accordance with Section 28-77 of the Tucson Procurement Code, any actual or prospective bidder may protest a solicitation, proposed award or the award of a contract.

The protest must be submitted to Business Services in writing and must include:

  1. Name, address and telephone number of the protestant
  2. Signature of the protestant
  3. Identification of the solicitation or contract number
  4. Detailed statement of the legal and factual grounds of the protest, including copies of relevant documents
  5. And the form of relief being requested

Specific information on filing, timing, resolution and the appeals process are addressed in the Tucson Procurement Code.

It is the responsibility of the interested party to become familiar with the Code requirements.

All requirements will be strictly adhered to by the Department of Procurement.  


Debarment and Suspension

The Business Services Director has the sole authority to debar and suspend a person from participating in City procurements. Information regarding debarment and suspension is available in theTucson Procurement Code.