Frequently Asked Questions

What public records are available to the public?
All public records are available for inspection, unless they are confidential by law, privacy interests outweigh the public’s right to know, or disclosure is not in the best interest of the state. Records may also be redacted to exclude confidential or personal information.

When should I expect my records?
This will vary depending on the content, complexity and location of the records, and the respective responding agency’s resources. The City of Tucson will make every effort to fulfill public records requests promptly.

How do I follow up on my records request if I haven’t received my requested records?
You may reach out to the City Clerk’s Office via email at: or via telephone at: (520) 791-4213. Please have your assigned Public Records Request Number available when calling.

Will I be notified if the records I’ve requested are not available or cannot be provided?
Yes. If the records you have requested cannot be provided, you will be notified as to the reason(s) why.

Who can I contact to register a complaint or appeal a decision related to my records request?
You may contact the Arizona Ombudsmen – Citizens’ Aide via their website at:, via email at:, or via telephone at: (602) 277-7292.

What is a commercial purpose?
You must indicate the records you’ve requested are for commercial purpose if they will be used for sale or resale, names and addresses acquired will be used for solicitation or any other purpose which the purchaser can reasonably anticipate monetary gain. This does not include the use of public records as evidence or for news gathering.

Will there be a fee for the records I’ve requested?
Inspection of records is free. You are entitled to inspect a record without receiving a copy and may make notes from the record. In most cases, with the exception of commercial purposes, records that are available electronically and can be remitted via email, will be free.

Reasonable fees are assessed for physical copies (photocopies, copies of audio, video and other media to audio or data compact disc, external or USB flash drive).

Records used for commercial purposes may be assessed a higher fee based on a portion of the cost of obtaining and reproducing the record, and for the value of the reproduction on the commercial market.

Current public records reproduction fees can be found on the City of Tucson website at the City Clerk’s Office - Public Records webpage here: