Small Wireless Facilities Resources

This website is provided to assist wireless providers with pertinent resources to assist in efforts to construct small cell wireless facilities (SWF) in the City of Tucson Right-of-Way (ROW).

The point of contact (POC) for SWF inquires: City POC staff will respond in a timely manner.

The purpose of this website is to provide valuable guidance on the permitting, placement, construction, installation and maintenance of SWF structures in the City's ROW as defined by A.R.S. Article 8 Use of Public Highways by Wireless Providers § 9-591, et seq., and recognized in the "Wireless Facilities Standard Terms and Conditions" document.

Light Pole Reservations

The City of Tucson enables Small Cell applicants to apply for a 90 day reservation on individual light poles being considered for Small Cell replacement.

To apply for a light pole reservation, complete and sign the fillable Pole Reservation form(PDF, 134KB) and send it to along with contact information to arrange payment of reservation fee.

Preliminary Site Review Meeting(s)

Tucson offers cellular providers and their contractors the opportunity to meet with key City staff to explore details of identified SWF sites prior to expending resources to prepare site and engineering documents. Please contact to arrange a preliminary site review as needed.

Historic Review

Documents for Historic Review may be sent via email to for those wishing to send requests electronically.

Information Technology Infrastructure Review

Small Wireless Facility permitting requires a communications review. The Small Wireless Facility Engineering Review form(PDF, 25KB) needs to be completed and approved prior to the issuance of a Right-of-Way permit for each wireless installation. Please include the completed form with each plan submission for a new wireless facility.

Sun-Link Track Access

Work on street lights poles along the Sun-Link street car route may require a special permit from Sun-Link. For more information contact

SWF Application Submission for Permit Review

Individual applications, plans, and questions may be submitted via email to

Public Utility Administrative Manual(PDF, 3MB) - August 2021
Public Utility Administrative Manual - Provide comments to:


Plan Submission Requirements(PDF, 93KB)

Pay Fees

SWF Resources

City of Tucson disclaimer: Maps will be updated and refreshed periodically and should not be considered "real-time" data. Moreover, maps are for informational purposes and the City of Tucson makes no claims concerning the accuracy of the maps nor assumes any liability resulting from the use of the information herein.