Tucson Water CARES

Community Assistance Resources for Economic Stability

The Low-Income Assistance Program (LIAP) has been renamed the Utility Bill Assistance Program.

Getting Started

Tucson Water prides itself in providing affordable water for all customers. Through Tucson Water CARES, customers can apply for the Utility Bill Assistance Program to meet their needs. Below, customers can view their eligibility, begin the application process, and browse other financial assistance programs from Tucson Water and its partners. 

Utility Bill Assistance Program

At the center of Tucson Water CARES is the Utility Bill Assistance Program which offers monthly discounts on water, garbage, and sewer bills for qualified customers. Applicants must be Tucson Water customers and have an official form of identification. Financial eligibility is based on a Federal Poverty Level set by the US Department of Health and Human Services. Download these Income Guidelines to see if you are eligible.

A bar chart outlines qualifications for monthly utility bill discounts. Download pdf below.

Income Guidelines(PDF, 367KB)

Other assistance programs are available below, regardless of income.

How to Apply

To apply for monthly discounts through the Utility Bill Assistance Program, schedule an appointment by filling out the intake form. Applicants can also schedule over the phone, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Applicants will need the following documentation ready for their appointment:

Utility Bill

Applicants must have their current utility bill showing the account in their name and the qualifying service address.

Valid Photo ID

One of the following can be used: State ID card, Driver's License, Military ID,Native American Tribal ID card, consular report, or a passport.

Household Income

This is the combined income of all people living in the household. These include salary, child support, alimony, interest earnings, rental income; Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Security Income, State Supplemental Payment; Social Security, Veterans, Disability, Unemployment, Retirement Benefits, and any cash public assistance. When a customer provides proof of participation in public assistance programs, the customer automatically qualifies for a 25% discount. Eligible programs are DES programs- Section 8 Housing, SNAP, and/or TANF. Please inquire at (520) 791-5443 to check your eligibility. 

We will need proof of your most recent 30 days of payment. Examples of this include paycheck stubs/employer letter with pay rate/hours, social security award letter, SSI/disability letter, pension verification, unemployment check stubs, DES award letter (food stamps/cash assistance), or any other type of income for the past 30 days prior to applying.


Intake Form

Customers will need to renew their registration after 3 years to continue receiving a monthly discount. Tucson Water sends renewal notifications at least 30 days before each enrollment expires.

Bill Adjustments

Adjustments are offered to customers upon request when there is a valid high water use because of leaks, theft, vandalism, or when there is unexplained high water use. All other applicable water charges and taxes are applied after the adjustment. Apply using the Intake Form above.


Adjustments are granted when all of the following conditions are met:

  • Water use by the customer has returned to normal levels.
  • The use in question was more than 20 CCFs.
  • An adjustment has not been given on the account within the past 3 years.
  • The water use in question must have occurred within the past 7 months.
  • No adjustments are made available for reclaimed water or construction water accounts.

Emergency Hardship Relief Adjustment

This adjustment if offered in the event of an emergency hardship in the household such as job loss, serious illness or injury, or the loss of an income-earner in the household. Applicants will need acceptable documentation such as a termination letter, proof of hospital admission, death certificate, etc.

A customer relief adjustment is calculated by charging a residential customer for high water use at the current adopted rate for the same water use block of the same month of the prior year.

The customer relief adjustment applies to the residential single family and duplex-triplex customer classes.

Courtesy Adjustment

In situations where leaks and accidents lead to high water bills, customers can apply for a Courtesy Adjustment to reduce their water bill.

A courtesy adjustment is calculated by taking the difference of water use between the high water use month and the same month in the previous year and allowing half of that amount to be dismissed.

The courtesy adjustment is for customer classes of multifamily, mobile home parks w/sub-meters, commercial, and industrial.

Water Conservation

The best way to lower a water bill is by reducing how much water a household consumes. Oftentimes, high water bills indicate inefficient or leaky appliances. Explore how our conservation resources can help you reduce use with tips & tricks, rebates, or free water audits.


External Financial Programs

Tucson Electric Power

Southwest Gas

More Local Programs(PDF, 199KB)