Miracle Manor Neighborhood Profile

Miracle Manor by Marlene Avelino


Miracle Manor is bordered by Miracle Mile to the north, Oracle Rd. to the east, Grant Rd. to the south, and Fairview Ave. to the west. When Miracle Mile was the scenic entryway to Tucson, it was lined with palm trees, motor courts, and Hollywood celebrities filming old westerns. The neighborhood was annexed into the city in 1960 and the homes in the neighborhood were built from the 1940s through the 1970s. Miracle Manor is home to three churches - St. Michael Ukranian Catholic Church, Good News Community Church, and Christian Prison Ministries. 

Once a snazzy motor hotel, the Ghost Ranch Lodge is now a senior living community. 

The Miracle Manor Neighborhood Association was established in 2003 and is still active today. President Christina White appreciates the diversity of the neighborhood and the efforts of the Head Start program at Jacinto Park to bridge language barriers and help build community. To join the association please email Christina at White@leavitt.com.  

Jacinto Park at the intersection of 15th Ave. and Jacinto St.

The association has tackled big projects in the past. In 2009, neighborhood leaders started applying for grants with the goal of updating and improving Jacinto Park. They eventually raised $268k from city, county, federal, and private grants to install a basketball half-court, Ramada, walking path, water fountain, swings, and a game table. In 2010, the association took on a mural at S & K Market on 15th Ave. The project was in partnership with Youth Empowerment Services Network and involved community engagement at every level. The neighborhood elders contributed their memories and stories, including of the drive-in theater and the young people that would sit on the roof of Nash Elementary to watch. The youth learned design principles and how to paint a mural. 

The mural at S & K Market, complete with cloud bunnies and Cooper's Hawks.

Miracle Manor has its fair share of great local businesses. McGary’s Discount Groceries is a family owned and operated salvage grocery store providing the community with deep discounts on everyday items. Taqueria Juanitos is hard to miss with its deep purple exterior on Grant Road, and no rainy day is complete without a bowl of their caldo de pollo! Marjon Ceramics is a go-to in the area for ceramics supplies. And we couldn’t do a round-up without including the great community connector, Monterey Court. Live music, good food, local artists - we are so grateful to have them in the neighborhood.