Proposed Fee Changes
Notice Date, October 4, 2024: Proposed Rate Adjustments to the Water Supply Fee and Commercial and Industrial Water Rate Schedule.
In accordance with A.R.S. §9-499.15, a notice of intent to establish new fees is hereby given. The City of Tucson Mayor and Council have authorized a Notice of Intention to adjust the Water Supply Fee to $1.25 and increase the Commercial and Industrial volumetric rates to align with the previously approved 5.5% rate increases.
Mayor and Council consideration of the proposed adjustments is scheduled for Tuesday, December 10, 2024. Material supporting the proposed rate adjustments can be found in the City Clerk’s Office and at this link:
Notice Date, April 26, 2024: Public Hearing: Truth in Taxation Hearing Notice of Tax Increase
In compliance with A.R.S. § 42-17107 the Mayor and Council of the City of Tucson is notifying its property taxpayers of the City of Tucson's intention to raise its primary property taxes over last year's level. The City is proposing an increase of primary property taxes of $64,923 or 0.34%.
For example, the proposed tax increase will cause the City of Tucson's primary property tax rate on a $100,000 home to be $43.11. Without the proposed tax increase, the total taxes that would be owed on a $100,000 home would have been $42.97.
This proposed increase is exclusive of increased primary property taxes received from new construction. The increase is also exclusive of any changes that may occur from property tax levies for voter-approved bonded indebtedness or budget and tax overrides.
All interested citizens are invited to attend the public hearing on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at or after 5:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in-person at City Hall, 255 W. Alameda St. For more details regarding the format of the meeting and how interested persons can request to be heard, please check the agenda for further details and/or instructions. For Spanish translation, email
A livestream of the meeting will be broadcast so that members of the public may view and listen to the meeting online.
Amended Notice Date, April 16, 2024: Revised Rates and Fees Public Hearing to be held June 18, 2024
On April 9, 2024, City of Tucson Mayor and Council gave notice of intention to revise development rates and fees for Planning and Development Services (PDSD) customers. PDSD will conduct outreach to development stakeholders and the community over the next 60 days to gather feedback prior to the June 18, 2024, Mayor and Council Public Hearing regarding the proposed fee increase.
The development review fee increases would affect PDSD, the Department of Transportation and Mobility (DTM) and Tucson Fire. The fee increase is generally 3.5% in FY2025 and 3.5% in FY2026.
You are invited to review the Year One Proposed Redline Fee Schedule and the Year Two Proposed Redline Fee Schedule. We also ask the community to leave feedback via this online form.
Mayor and Council had given notice of intention to revise rates and fees for the PDSD, as well as Parks and Recreation and Park Tucson during the January 9, 2024, meeting. Through the outreach process, PDSD found an inconsistency in the fee structure and delayed the public hearing to allow for additional community and stakeholder engagement regarding the proposed development fee changes.
During the April 9, 2024 meeting, Mayor and Council approved revisions to rates and fees for Tucson Parks and Recreation and Park Tucson.
Notice Date January 10, 2024: Public Meeting Notice for Revised Rates and Fees
The City of Tucson Mayor and Council have given notice of intention to revise rates and fees for Tucson Parks and Recreation, Park Tucson, and Planning and Development Services customers beginning in FY 2025 and some rate progressing through FY 2030. The City is hosting multiple in-person and two virtual public town hall meetings for the community to find out more about the revisions and provide feedback prior to the April 9, 2024 Mayor and Council meeting to consider approving the recommended fees.
Parks and Recreation
During the December 12, 2023 Study Session, Mayor and Council discussed the proposed fee adjustments or additions to the TPRD schedule of fees. As result of no modifications of park related fees since 2010, the current fee schedule does not allow for efficient and appropriate management of parks and recreation areas and programs.
Fees to be impacted or added include:
- Elimination of Neighborhood Center Fee: Permitting equitable access to these locations for their available resources. This also potentially reduces the current expense to deposit revenue through a contracted service, which can at times exceed the monthly revenue at the smaller neighborhood centers.
- Ramada Rental Fees: Right sizing the cost to rent a ramada according to the size and the capacity the amenity offers. It is not currently an equitable approach to pay the same reservation fee regardless of the size of ramada being used.
- New Commercial Use of Parks Fee: Facilitating the opportunity to partner with businesses who offer services that align to recreation, fitness, outdoor activities, and will be charging their participants a fee. Parks will deem appropriateness of proposed use of a park and define areas of use and frequency of use to the appropriate fee proposed for a daily, monthly, or quarterly basis.
- Sports Field Lighting Fee: Adjusting to an hourly rate, rather than a rate requiring a minimum of two hours will allow a rental to right sizes their use and manage the impact of cost to have lights on. Additionally, the aim is to encourage cancelation of light use when not being used. This is aligning to the hourly rate approach that Pima County Natural Resources Parks and Recreation uses.
- Swim Team Utilization of Pools: There are two audiences currently not being served in the aquatic community. One, local private swim teams, and small businesses with an aquatic focus, whom need pools to hold swim training or aqua fitness classes. Two, collegiate swim teams based in northern and mid-western locations that during the winter months are seeking warm outdoor pools for maintaining athlete training programs. With the establishment of fees, Parks and Recreation can advertise and generate additional revenue and potentially attract lifeguards for seasonal employment from the athletes using city pools for swim training.
- Tennis: Three park locations (Reffkin, Himmel, and Fort Lowell) are managed under an agreement with two tennis management companies who charge fees for tennis and pickleball courts. Having no increase since 2003, the request is made to adjust fees to allow support of the operational costs to maintain these courts and program them for user benefit. A proposed increase over the next six years limits the impact to the public. There are currently 24 free public access tennis courts and 18 free public access pickleball courts. The benefit of the managed courts is the increased daily maintenance, the ability to reserve a court in advance of arrival, coordination of tennis classes, leagues, and tournament participation.
With TPRD fees proposed, unless otherwise represented, the non-city resident fee would be charged at a 20% adjusted rate, and this is reflected in the shared Fee Schedule (Attachment A at the link to the right).
Park Tucson
Park Tucson is a financially self-sustaining division of the City of Tucson Department of Transportation and Mobility. The last rate increases to Park Tucson fees and rates were in 2013, except for a rate increase in September 2021 for Centro Garage and Toole Avenue Lot.
Park Tucson’s mission is to professionally manage the City of Tucson’s parking assets to provide safe, accessible, and convenient parking to the community. The proposed rate and fee adjustments would bring the Park Tucson rates closer to existing market rates and assist in covering existing maintenance, service, and security costs.
View the proposed Park Tucson rate fee adjustments.
Planning and Development Services
The Planning and Development Services Department (PDSD) has not increased development review fees since 2010. The proposed increases would also impact development review fees for the Department of Transportation and Mobility (DTM) and Tucson Fire.
The proposed fee adjustments are as follows:
- 3.5% increase in July 2024
- 3.5% increase in July 2025
For PDSD, the fees for services include: staff review and building permits for all new development, valuation tables, site review, including floodplain and grading permits, signs, historic review, special district review, rezonings, and special exceptions.
For DTM, the fees for services include: right-of-way (ROW) permitting and staff review, small wireless facility fees, annual permits for utilities, annual fees for scooters, and other related permits.
For Tucson Fire, the fees for services include: fire construction permit fees, fire review fees, automatic extinguishing systems, fire alarm systems, above-ground and underground storage tanks, other fire construction permits, fire operational permits, state licensed facility operational permits, special event operational permits, and fire code appeals.
During this rate adoption process, PDSD will also review the latest International Code Council’s Valuation Tables to determine the impact of updating to the latest available version in conjunction with the proposed fee increase. Updating the valuation tables does not require Mayor and Council action. Development impact fees are not included in this fee increase proposal.
Development impact fees are not included in this fee increase proposal.
The proposed fee adjustments would allow PDSD to make significant strides in the ongoing commitment to improve the development process in the City of Tucson, ensuring better support and service for the community's needs.
Review the Year One Proposed Redline Fee Schedule and the Year Two Proposed Redline Fee Schedule.
Meeting Dates and Locations
Thursday, Jan. 25, 5-6:30 p.m.
Virtual – Zoom Meeting Link (
Or call in at 833-548-0282 US Toll-free, Meeting ID: 831 4353 7728
Thursday, Jan. 30, 5:30-7 p.m.
Ward 1
Fred Archer Center, 1665 S. La Cholla Blvd.
Wednesday, Feb. 7, 5:30-7 p.m.
Ward 2
Morris K. Udall Recreation Center, 7200 E. Tanque Verde Road
Thursday, Feb. 15, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Ward 3
Donna R. Liggins Center, 2160 N. 6th Ave.
Monday, Feb. 26, 5:30-7 p.m.
Ward 4
William M. Clements Center, 8155 E. Poinciana Dr.
Thursday, Feb. 29, 5:30-7 p.m.
Ward 5
El Pueblo Center, 101 W. Irvington Road
Monday, March 4, 5:30-7 p.m.
Ward 6
Parks and Recreation Administration, 900 S. Randolph Way
Thursday, March 7, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Virtual – Zoom Meeting Link (
Or call in at 833-928-4609 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 820 6579 2855
Notice Date August 17, 2023: Proposed Rate Adjustments to the Commercial and Industrial Water Rate Schedule.
In accordance with A.R.S. §9-499.15, notice of intent to establish new fees is hereby given. The City of Tucson Mayor and Council have authorized a Notice of Intention for implementing two possible options to adjust Commercial and Industrial Water Rates and Fees to further incentivize conservation and decrease extreme seasonal variability in water demand within these customer classes. The first option is to adjust the winter period from six months to three for the purpose of calculating the winter average that is used as the consumption threshold for surcharges during the summer period. This change would also change the definition of summer from six months to nine months. The second option would also redefine the winter and summer periods as well as include a third summer surcharge tier for consumption during the summer months that is in excess of 215% of the winter average.
Mayor and Council consideration of the proposed options is scheduled for Tuesday, October 17, 2023. Material supporting the proposed rate adjustments can be found with the City Clerk’s Office and at this link:
Notice Date May 13, 2022: Proposed Fees Restructuring for Development Review to Support New Permitting System.
In accordance with A.R.S. §9-499.15, public notice is given that the Mayor and Council of the City of Tucson will hold a public hearing to consider proposed new fees related to development review to support the implementation of the new permitting system for the City of Tucson.
This fee restructuring proposes minor clarifications and updates to the revised fee previously adopted by Mayor and Council on June 22, 2021, in which fees would be assessed according to (1) staff or plan review costs, (2) inspection costs, (3) public review and notification, and (4) technology fees. The revised table would consolidate fees from three permitting agencies (Fire, Transportation & Mobility, and Planning & Development Services) into a single location according to this structure. The intended outcome is not an increase in fees, but a new structure that is more consistent and transparent for all development-related processes.
Proposed amendments are to UDC Administrative Manual Section 4: Development Review Fee Schedule.
The public hearing will not exceed 1 hour in length unless extended at the meeting. Speakers will be limited to 5 minutes. The Council Chambers is wheelchair accessible and closed captioning is available on cable television. A request for reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities must be made to the City Clerk’s Office by parties at least five working days in advance of the scheduled meeting and can be made by calling 791-4213 or 791-2639 (TDD).
Si usted tiener algunas preguntas respecto a esta petición de rezonificación, favor de llamar al Departamento de Desarrollo, número de teléfono 837-6966.
If you have any questions concerning the rezoning request, please contact Dan Bursuck (837-4984 or at the Department of Planning & Development Services, 201 North Stone Avenue, Tucson AZ.
Si usted tiener algunas preguntas respecto a esta petición de rezonificación, favor de llamar al Departamento de Desarrollo, número de teléfono 837-6966.
More information is available in the following documents:
Notice Date September 7, 2021: Proposal to implement a differential rate structure for Tucson Water customers located in unincorporated Pima County
The Mayor and Council of the City of Tucson hereby give public notice of their intention to implement a differential rate structure for Tucson Water customers located in unincorporated Pima County. A public hearing on the proposed differential water rate structure will be held on October 19, 2021, at or after 5:30 p.m. at the regular meeting of the Mayor and Council at the Mayor and Council Chambers, City Hall, 255 W. Alameda, Tucson, Arizona. The public hearing will not exceed 1 hour in length unless extended at the meeting.
Individuals wishing to speak during the public hearing (subject to technological availability) will join the meeting via teleconference. You must submit a written request to The email should include your name, and the phone number you will use for the teleconference. The phone number will be used to identify the individual when/if being called upon to speak. Once your request to speak has been received by the City Clerk, you will be provided instructions on how to connect to the teleconference. Requests to speak must be submitted no later than 12:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 19, 2021. Speakers will be limited to 5 minutes.
Data supporting the proposed differential rate structure can be found here:
Notice Date May 7, 2021: Proposal to implement a differential rate structure for Tucson Water customers located in unincorporated Pima County
The Mayor and Council of the City of Tucson hereby give public notice of their intention to implement a differential rate structure for Tucson Water customers located in unincorporated Pima County. A public hearing on the proposed differential water rate structure will be held on June 8, 2021, at or after 5:30 p.m. at the regular meeting of the Mayor and Council at the Mayor and Council Chambers, City Hall, 255 W. Alameda, Tucson, Arizona. The public hearing will not exceed 1 hour in length unless extended at the meeting.
Individuals wishing to speak during the public hearing (subject to technological availability) will join the meeting via teleconference. You must submit a written request to The email should include your name, and the phone number you will use for the teleconference. The phone number will be used to identify the individual when/if being called upon to speak. Once your request to speak has been received by the City Clerk, you will be provided instructions on how to connect to the teleconference. Requests to speak must be submitted no later than 12:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 8, 2021. Speakers will be limited to 5 minutes.
An information page and online survey regarding the proposal will be available from May 7 through June 8, 2021. Survey results will be presented to the Mayor and Council for their consideration.
Data supporting the proposed differential rate structure can be found here:
Notice Date April 7, 2021: Proposed Fees Restructuring for Development Review to Support New Permitting System.
In accordance with A.R.S. §9-499.15, public notice is given that the Mayor and Council of the City of Tucson will hold a public hearing to consider proposed new fees related to development review to support the implementation of the new permitting system for the City of Tucson.
A public hearing on the proposed new fees will be held on June 8, 2021, at or after 5:30 p.m. at the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council at the Mayor and Council Chambers, City Hall, 255 W. Alameda, Tucson, Arizona. It is possible that, due to efforts to mitigate COVID-19, this meeting will be held virtually. In that event, directions for participating in the public hearing will be posted as part of the agenda.
This fee restructuring proposes a revised fee table in which fees would be assessed according to (1) staff or plan review costs, (2) inspection costs, (3) public review and notification, and (4) technology fees. The revised table would consolidate fees from three permitting agencies (Fire, Transportation & Mobility, and Planning & Development Services) into a single location according to this structure. The intended outcome is not an increase in fees, but a new structure that is more consistent and transparent for all development-related processes.
Proposed amendments are to UDC Administrative Manual Section 4: Development Review Fee Schedule.
The public hearing will not exceed 1 hour in length unless extended at the meeting. Speakers will be limited to 5 minutes. The Council Chambers is wheelchair accessible and closed captioning is available on cable television. A request for reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities must be made to the City Clerk’s Office by parties at least five working days in advance of the scheduled meeting and can be made by calling 791-4213 or 791-2639 (TDD).
Si usted tiener algunas preguntas respecto a esta petición de rezonificación, favor de llamar al Departamento de Desarrollo, número de teléfono 837-6966.
If you have any questions concerning the rezoning request, please contact Dan Bursuck (837-4984 or at the Department of Planning & Development Services, 201 North Stone Avenue, Tucson AZ.
Si usted tiener algunas preguntas respecto a esta petición de rezonificación, favor de llamar al Departamento de Desarrollo, número de teléfono 837-6966.
More information is available in the following documents:
Notice Date March 18, 2020: Proposed Fees Associated with Pre-Annexation Development Agreements
In accordance with A.R.S. §9-499.15, public notice is given that the Mayor and Council of the City of Tucson will hold a public hearing to consider proposed new fees related to Pre-Annexation Development Agreements.
A public hearing on the proposed new fees will be held on April 20, 2021, at or after 5:30 p.m. at the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council at the Mayor and Council Chambers, City Hall, 255 W. Alameda, Tucson, Arizona. It is possible that, due to efforts to mitigate COVID-19, this meeting will be held virtually. In that event, directions for participating in the public hearing will be posted as part of the agenda.
A copy of the document supporting the proposed action is available here: Communication dated February 9, 2021(PDF, 109KB).
Notice Date December 7, 2020: Proposed Fees Associated with Pre-Annexation Development Agreements
In accordance with A.R.S. §9-499.15, public notice is given that the Mayor and Council of the City of Tucson will hold a public hearing to consider proposed new fees related to Pre-Annexation Development Agreements.
A public hearing on the proposed new fees will be held on January 5, 2021, at or after 5:30 p.m. at the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council at the Mayor and Council Chambers, City Hall, 255 W. Alameda, Tucson, Arizona. It is possible that, due to efforts to mitigate COVID-19, this meeting will be held virtually. In that event, directions for participating in the public hearing will be posted as part of the agenda.
Copies of the documents supporting the proposed action are available here - Memorandum dated December 7, 2020(PDF, 118KB) and January 5, 2020(PDF, 119KB).
Notice Date May 5, 2020: Recommended Fiscal Year 2021 Budget
The City Manager submitted the Recommended Fiscal Year 2021 Budget to Mayor and Council on Tuesday, May 5, 2020. The fiscal year starts on July 1, 2020 and runs through June 30, 2021. Following the budget submittal, the Mayor and Council will hold a Study Session discussion on May 19.
In addition, public hearings as required by State law will be held on June 9th and June 23rd prior to final budget adoption on June 23rd and adoption of the Fiscal Year 2021 property tax levies. The Recommended Fiscal Year 2021 budget can be found at
Notice Date February 4, 2020: Proposed Green Stormwater Infrastructure Fee to establish a dedicated Green Stormwater Infrastructure Fund.
In accordance with A.R.S. §9-499.15, notice of intent to establish new fees is hereby given. The City of Tucson Mayor and Council have authorized the City Manager to establish a Green Stormwater Infrastructure Fee and Fund, to be based on water consumption at the rate of $0.13 per CCF of water usage, and assessed on City residents only, to begin April 6, 2020, and sunset June 30, 2023, unless extended by a vote of Mayor and Council. Those customers who qualify for Tucson Water’s low-income assistance program will be exempt from the proposed fee.
Mayor and Council consideration of the proposed fee is scheduled for Tuesday, February 4, 2020.
Green Stormwater Infrastructure Fund Proposal(PDF, 9MB)
Mayor & Council Memorandum: Establishment of a Green Stormwater Infrastructure Fund, Program and Fee(PDF, 184KB)
Notice of Intent to Establish New Fees
Notice Date October 31, 2019: Proposed Fee for Tobacco Retail License
In accordance with A.R.S. §9-499.15, notice of a new or increased fee is hereby given. The City of Tucson Mayor and Council have authorized the City Manager to establish an annual license fee of $300 for a Tobacco Retail License. The fee will be required for any Tobacco Retail Establishment, meaning any place of business where tobacco products are available for sale directly to customers.
More information is available in the following document.
Proposed Fee for Tobacco Retail License(PDF, 40KB)
Notice of Public Hearing
IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.R.S. §9-499.15 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mayor and Council of the City of Tucson will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, September 4, 2019, at or after 5:30 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers of City Hall, 255 West Alameda, Tucson, Arizona, at which time and place all interested persons will have an opportunity to appear and be heard, subject to time limitations, in relation to the following:
Proposed fees for applications to rezone to the Planned Community Development (PCD) Zone, and for processing amendments to an approved PCD, or to Development Area Implementation Plans within the PCD Zone.
Proposed amendments are to: Administrative Manual Table 4-01.7.1, Amend Administrative Manual Section 4-01.7.3 and creation of new Administrative Manual Section 4-01.7.3.E.
The public hearing will not exceed 1 hour in length unless extended at the meeting. Speakers will be limited to 5 minutes. The Council Chambers is wheelchair accessible and closed captioning is available on cable television. A request for reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities must be made to the City Clerk’s Office by parties at least five working days in advance of the scheduled meeting and can be made by calling 791-4213 or 791-2639 (TDD).
If you have any questions concerning the rezoning request, please contact John Beall (837-6966) at the Department of Planning & Development Services, 201 North Stone Avenue, Tucson AZ.
Si usted tiener algunas preguntas respecto a esta petición de rezonificación, favor de llamar al Departamento de Desarrollo, número de teléfono 837-6966.
Notice of Intent to Establish New Fees
Notice Date July 3, 2019: Proposed application fees to rezone to the Planned Community Development zone and to process administrative, minor and major amendments to the Planned Community Zone document and Development Area Implementation Plans within the zone.
In accordance with A.R.S. §9-499.15, notice of intent to establish new fees is hereby given. The City of Tucson City Manager’s Office authorized the Director of Planning & Development Services to establish rezoning application fees and amendment procedure fees for the Planned Community Development Zone (Unified Development Code §3.5.6) per the Administrative Manual §4-01.2. Mayor and Council consideration of the proposed fees is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, September 4, 2019, after a public hearing.
Notice Date 3/14/2019: Proposed Fees for Shared Mobility Pilot Program - Department of Transportation
In accordance with A.R.S. §9-499.15, notice of intent to establish new fees is hereby given. The Mayor and Council of the City of Tucson authorized the Director of the Department of Transportation to establish a Shared Mobility Pilot Program, including the development of application, permit and use fees for Shared Mobility Devices in the Right of Way at a meeting on July 12, 2018. The Director may approve by concurrence the following Shared Mobility Proposed Fee Schedule on March 19, 2019:
Proposed 2019 Rate and Fee Schedule for Shared Mobility Pilot Program(PDF, 70KB)
These fees are established in compliance with Tucson Code 5-15 et seq., adopted on September 5, 2018. For additional information regarding these fees (schedule of the proposed new fees, and/or justification of new fees), please see the Shared Mobility Pilot Program Proposed Fee Schedule Justification here:
City of Tucson Shared Mobility Pilot Program Proposed Fee Schedule Justification(PDF, 82KB)
Notice of Intent to Establish New Fees
Notice Date 2/26/2018: Proposed Fee Changes for Wireless Facilities - Department of Transportation
In accordance with A.R.S. §9-499.15, notice of intent to establish new fees is hereby given. The Mayor and Council of the City of Tucson authorized the Director of the Department of Transportation to establish application and use fees for Wireless Facilities in the Right of Way at a meeting on February 6, 2017. The Director established by concurrence the following Rate and Fee Schedule on February 13, 2018.
These fees are established in compliance with ARS Sections 9-591 et seq., recently adopted by the State of Arizona. For additional information regarding these fees (schedule of the proposed new fees, and/or justification of new fees), please see the Director's Memorandum here:
Rate and Fee Schedule for Wireless Facilities in the ROW Memorandum(PDF, 1MB)
Notice Date 12/8/2017: Proposed Fee Changes for Sign Standards - Planning and Development Services
In accordance with A.R.S. §9-499.15, notice of intent to establish new fees is hereby given. The Mayor and Council of the City of Tucson will hold a meeting on February 6, 2017, to consider a proposed Ordinance to modify the Unified Development Code’s Development Review Fee Schedule in the Administrative Manual (Section 4-01.16). This includes the establishment of (1) a fee for permanent sign permits and the establishment of (2) a blanket fee for the use of portable signs approved via the portable master sign program.
This fee is being added as a result of the Sign Code Revision Project, recently adopted by the Mayor and Council. For additional information regarding this project (schedule of the proposed new fees, and/or data supporting the new fees), please visit the following pages:
Notice Date 12/05/2017: Notice of Tax Rate Change
Please Note Effective 2/1/2018 the Business Privilege Tax Rate will increase one tenth of a percent to 2.6 percent. This rate change is the result of the November 7, 2017 Election where voters approved a tax increase for the City Zoo.
Notice Date 7/01/2017: Voter-Approved Transaction Privilege and Use Taxes for Street Improvements and Public Safety Improvements
As approved by the City's voters on May 16, 2017 under Proposition 101, the City intends to impose a transaction privilege tax and use tax of 0.5% for the purpose of funding street improvements and for the acquisition and upgrading of public safety vehicles and equipment, and for capital improvements of public safety facilities.
Informational Flyer can be found here(PDF, 89KB)
Notice Date 5/25/2016: Proposed Fee Changes for FY 2017 – Tucson Fire
In accordance with A.R.S. §9-499.15, public notice is given that the Mayor and Council of the City of Tucson will hold a public hearing to consider a proposed Ordinance to modify the City Fire Code and includes changes to fees for Operational and Construction permits issued through the adopted City Fire Code.
A public hearing on the proposed changes will be held on August 9, 2016, at or after 5:30 p.m. at the regular meeting of the Mayor and Council at the Mayor and Council Chambers, City Hall, 255 W. Alameda, Tucson, Arizona.
A copy of the proposed changes is available at the office of the City Clerk, 9th Floor, City Hall, 255 West Alameda Street, Tucson, Arizona.
Key dates for the proposed Fee Changes:
- May 11, 2016: The Fire Code Review Committee (FCRC) held a public meeting that included the proposed modifications to the City Fire Code and Fees. Click link to view Legal Action Report Proposed Modifications to the City Fire Code and Fee Changes(PDF, 170KB)
- August 9, 2016: Public hearing and Mayor & Council action on proposed Ordinance to modify City Fire Code and fees associated with enforcement.
- September 1, 2016: Ordinance and revised fees take effect, if approved at August 9, 2016 public hearing.
Proposed Fee Increases for FY 2017 - Environmental Services Department
Notice is hereby given that the Environmental Services Department may be recommending establishment or increases to current fees to the department's fee structure to support the following services:
- Community Services (Code Enforcement and Graffiti Abatement)
- Stormwater Management
- Residential Collection
- Commercial Collection
Notice Date 4/6/2016 Proposed Tax Increases for FY 2017 - General Government
In accordance with A.R.S. §9-499.15, public notice is hereby given that the Tucson City Council may consider approving the following new taxes and/or tax increases on June 7, 2016, but no sooner than 60 days after the posting date of this notice
- Public Utility Tax increase from 4% to 5%
- Room Surcharge increase from $2/day to $4/day
Notice of Property Tax Levy and/or Property Tax Rate
In accordance with A.R.S. §9-499.15, public notice is hereby given that the City Council may consider approving a change to the City property tax levies and/or tax rates for fiscal year 2016/17 at a mayor & Council meeting in the City Hall 255 W Alameda, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 7, 2016. The levy amount and/or tax rate may be increased over the approved levy and/or tax rate for fiscal year 2015/16.