Backflow Prevention

Backflow prevention image

When a water line is connected to equipment containing a nonpotable substance, this is known as a cross-connection. Contamination may occur when water flows through a cross-connection from a non-potable source, such as a sprinkler system or heating and cooling unit, into the potable water system. This can happen through a process known as backflow.

There are more than 30,000 backflow prevention assemblies in use in the Tucson Water service area. The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality requires that each be tested annually. A list of Tucson Water-approved Certified Testers(PDF, 212KB) is available. Call 520-791-2650 if you would like more information.

General Information

Testers and Contractors

Regulations, Rules, Standard Details

Contact Us

Contact Information

EMERGENCY (24 hours)
(broken water main or pipeline, etc.)


Customer Service & Billing
520-791-3242 or 800-598-9449 (toll-free)
Phone hours: Mon.- Fri. 8 am-5 pm

  • 310 Alameda St. - Closed
  • 1100 S. Alvernon Way Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am-4:30 pm
  • 4004 S. Park Ave Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am-4:30 pm
  • 201 N Stone Ave. 8:30 am-4:30 pm
TTY device communications: 520-791-2639
Paymentus help line: 800-420-1663 (24/7)
Paymentus support: